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atris from kotor 2

The novel has since given her a canonical name: Meetra Surik. The last we saw or heard of the ship before this was it crashing into a cliff, then falling down a chasm, the entire rest of the party save for Mira, G0-T0, and Bao-Dur's remote unaccounted for. Make sure to have just these characters with you when you want influence with them. made a Portmanteau of Kae and Traya to make 'Kreia'. Even the less memorable characters (GoTO, the engineer and the Bounty Hunter) have incredible backstories if you unlock them and big story moments. It, The Dobo brothers on Telos, as well as the salvager camp on Dantooine, sell lightsaber color crystals, which you need one of to build your saber. This has a noticable effect on exposition at several points. This may take several strikes of three to eight. Do this repeatedly until it stops or anytime you lose Kreia's influence. After you have these, talk to Bao-Dur to have him make you a lightsaber. Keep nailing him with Force Lightning, and when he has only a quarter of his strength remaining, he will collapse and will have won. Specifically. Use the following combination to unlock it. He will run out of Force and start attacking again. close. HK-47: Light side remarks give you loss, while Dark gives you gain. Talk to the Handmaiden and ask her to teach you some fighting moves. the Exile is able to restart the Jedi Order exactly as she wishes, without the baggage of the Old Order. Then, ask her how you would be able to do that. It can awaken feelings, ignite passions, hate, anger, fear - where none existed before. This may have been in response to the absurdly, After-Combat Recovery: As in the first game, characters revive with minimal HP once the battle is done. as bait for the Sith. It seemed more like a bedroom than a storage room. Right Makes Might: Getting full Light or Dark gives you a stat bonus; the bonus for a Jedi Guardian who hits maximum light side points is, quite literally, might - +3 Strength, guaranteeing at least +1 to your to hit rolls and damage. If you select 'I'll be going now' instead of choosing payment, you will give her the visa and have no chance for payment. The Exile can do this to. After that happens, you will get a Holocron and be invited to the Jekk'Jekk' Tar. Your character decides his fate, of course. another result of the Exile's tendency to establish Force bonds with everyone around them. She also does not react well to personal experiences that challenge her beliefs. the Serroco gangsters on Nar Shaddaa) as well as recycling the heads from the first game for named and unnamed NPCs. Darth Sion, Lord of Pain, seeks the destroy all the Jedi from the galaxy and is brutal, but has retained human perspective and awareness in contrast to Nihilus, taking no joy in his painful existence and wanting to 'fix' the galaxy (Ego). When you are shot down, talk to Bao-Dur. Then, when she protests, side with Kreia to defend her. Equip the Sith mask, a Jedi Knight robe and the crystal in your lightsaber that helps regenerate Force points. Some places, like the Sith Academy, can't be accessed again once you leave. KotoR is not a bad game, but in comparison to 2 its bland, poorly written and unadventurous (Only in comparison). Conflicting Loyalty: Your character has this problem. Hidden Depths: Atton. Demoted to Extra: Bastila and Carth, the two main romance options and the most plot-relevant party members in the first game, become this in the second. Later, Goto will end up in your party. The Exile on Nar Shaddaa after the plot for that planet kicks in. Also every time I try to talk to Atton it gives me the option Cheat Node: Cut to argument with Atris or Cheat Node: Continue Kreia … He starts playing along (with even his dialogue subtitles showing a 'Success' notation), before letting you have it for trying it on him. Various pieces of cut content and explanations from the developers make it more coherent. His personal story arc reveals that. Having Mandalore is advisable, because he is a master with blasters and this makes it easier to defeat the Sith. GO-TO: Works the same as HK, however say that you like his skills for a gain or do not like them for a loss. Of course, it's heavily implied the authorities were trying to frame him for her death and that she'd been a casualty of General Vaklu's political maneuvering. Be prepared. After completing this, the game will state that Atton is now a Jedi Sentinel. Screw This, I'm Outta Here! Make sure you have lots of some type of healing, such as the Survival Pack, Advance Medpack, or Medpack. Crapsack World: Generally speaking, the setting of most locations. Part of the Atris recruitment mod: Talking the Monster to Death: Instead of an optional requirement, it's the only possible way to win against the effectively-immortal. Darth Nihilus. She was taken as an informal Padawan by the Jedi Knight Kavar. Make sure you take a slightly longer than needed to fight this person. If it does not kill him, keep using Force Storm. She argued that there was little wonder why Kun and Qel-Droma fell to the dark side of the Force, wh… You can find the Kaiburr crystal for your lightsaber. You have to fight her, then see Bao-Dur. The other characters are so disturbed that they immediately remove the upgrade. The Exile's Ragtag Bunch of Misfits get along about as well as you'd expect nearly a dozen complete strangers with either nothing in common or very different personalities to. They only survive because Kreia conveniently is able to teach them a Force power that will keep them alive long enough to get through. As in the first game, T3 is the Ebon Hawk’s R2-D2, HK-47 is a dark spin on C3-P0, and the Hawk itself is the Old Republic’s Millennium Falcon. Atris was a Human female Jedi Master/Jedi Watchman and Jedi historian for the Jedi Order.. The Exile is given the option of using the bond between Visas and her master to end the threat Darth Nihilus poses once and for all, sacrificing the Miraluka in the process. Technically Living Zombie: The decaying, scarred Darth Sion, kept together by the Dark Side of the force. Even refusing to take action and make a choice is itself a choice, and every choice has consequences far beyond the immediate effect. It does about 75 damage each time you use it. And did I mention in KotoR 2 you can turn people into Jedi? If your Force Persuasion is fully aligned with the Light side, you will get a +3 to your Wisdom bonus, depending on your class type. Mira joins only if the Exile is Light Side or neutral, while Hanharr joins only if the Exile is Dark Side. The game actively deconstructs the very foundations of the setting (such as The Force itself), and the general mood is noticeably Darker and Edgier than in the original, borrowing themes from, A notable facet of the game's rushed status is that much of the missing content — including large portions of the ending — still exist in the game's files, unimplemented due to further Executive Meddling preventing a post-release content patch. Rabble Rouser: You run into a guy trying to agitate a crowd against the Republic on Onderon as part of the questline - you can ignore him, agree with him, or argue with him as you like. Item Crafting: Way expanded from the first game. Almost every piece of equipment can be modified extensively. In both situations, Kreia will ask why you did either - if you gave him money, you make him a target of resentment, and the beggar gets mugged. Additionally, when you are on the Dark side, you can get a power called Force Crush. Tell her that if it meant any of your allies' lives, you would do anything for them. Badass Bookworm: Muscular frame notwithstanding, Bao-Dur is a soft-spoken Gadgeteer Genius who invented. He's loyal, but he can see when you try to persuade and manipulate him and he hates it. An incredible amount of trouble for the Exile (not to mention the destruction of Peragus II and all the problems caused by that) can be traced to Goto's decision to put out a bounty on the Exile as a means. It is especially useful when you are at level 10 to 14, because your enemies are usually weak around that stage of the game, and this power is strong. It's also the first style you learn. Tell her that Lootra is here looking for her. This makes it easier to loot without having to double-check. They do ridiculous damage and will kill most players in a fair fight. Equipment Spoiler: Certain pieces of early equipment (notably the Breath Mask) mentions that they. Talk to Geriel, be nice, and heal him. In this mod she will join you after battle in the Polar Academy. Large amounts of backstory exposition come in the form of dialog options, since the character already knows it even if you (the player) do not. The plot of either persuading the Jedi masters to go to Dantooine or killing them for their power is similar to the classic kung fu movie. Alias Much of the plot is about making sense of Revan's actions and the impact they had on the Jedi, the reasons behind going into the Mandalorian War and then falling to the dark side, as well as the implications of being mindwiped by the Jedi in the first game. On Telos, when you fight the mercenaries that protect the Czerka satellite, three or four Force screams (or its other stages) will most likely kill one group at a time. Hitchhiker Heroes: The Exile manages to attract a bunch of latent Force-sensitives on their travels through a galaxy where the Jedi have been wiped out. Then the official miniature of the Exile is female, Broken Bridge: In theory, you can use the galaxy map on the. Later, return to the last destination and place it. The enemy should run through the mine. Track down a thief who has stolen a part of a water-farming machine. Do this as many times as needed; you can always make more mines at a lab station. T3-M4: Same as Visas. It doesn't offer any protection, but it does give the wearer a +2 to Persuasion. If it survives your mines after it comes out of its room, it will be heavily damaged and can be easily defeated. He is the replacement for Brianna, The Handmaiden. In the cut content of the Dark Side path, this eventually comes to a head when many of the party try to kill one another due to the various tensions in betwixt the lot. Bao Dur: Help the person on Nar Shadaa being hounded for money by the two thugs next to the red door. The ancient control panel should be circular, and if you get the Sith to circle it a few times while chasing you, both you and him should get further apart. You may need to take the Serreco out before using it though. Keep talking to her to gain influence then ask her why she seems restless. This time, your choices affect everyone around you. With Dark Side skills, she's a murder machine. It was because. Logic Bomb: It plays a number on multiple droids. Beating him in the game requires Talking the Monster to Death. ', him attempting to use his powers on the Exile backfires and weakens Nihilus enough for the Exile to defeat him. After defeating her, tell her that she seems to be predicting your moves. Kreia never misses an opportunity to explain in detail how any of the courses of action the PC may take will ultimately harm someone who does not deserve it. With a three versus one battle (if your party is up), even though the Sith is stronger, he should be thoroughly outmatched. Talk to Handmaiden again, but about her mother this time. Upon entering the refugee camp, speak with Odis. Part of the Atris recruitment mod: HK-47 tells the Exile a story about how two civilizations started a long and brutal war over a translation error. The main events resolve around Traya's scheme and she's the sith with the personal connection to the protagonist. I used less powered weapons to make it a challenge Both choices will tend to lead to a negative approval from Kriea, unless you chose exactly the right conversation options with her. He will say something else. It has your name and you can keep getting Kreia to 'tune' it to yourself throughout the game. Author Tract: Some of the more critical attitudes towards the game find it and especially Kreia's thoughts to be a large amount of this regarding Chris Avellone's views on the Force and the Star Wars universe. Either have all influence gain or all influence loss; not both. Recorded Spliced Conversation: You need to get through a door which requires the code to be spoken by a particular (now dead) person. Their connection to The Force becomes borderline traumatic with the constant large scale death and suffering. Some promotional art depicts Atris fighting Nihilus. Or with an anti-poison implement. They are found in a cache near some dead robots. He will have a Jedi Master Robe on his corpse. Atris remained in seclusion, surrounding herself with Echani Handmaidens who could not feel the Force. Shedefinatley a guardian though, and shes a tank. Ask her to teach you fighting moves and you will duel her. He is one of the most destructive beings in the Star Wars universe, but there is nothing left of him besides his desire to consume. Try to get one of them to chase you. A similar 'error' allows the party to wipe out the Sand People on Tatooine without Dark Side points. Also, try to pick up all the remains that the HK-50 droids leave. Your Force bar replenishes very slowly when cofmpared when playing on the Dark side. Afterwards, thank him for his help and you should get an influence gain with Atton. After you get what you need out of this room, you will be confronted by HK droids again. Goto's Yacht cannot be revisited, as it is destroyed after you complete it. Experience points and leveling mechanics. When on Malachor V, you will fight Darth Sion. After the end of the Great Sith War that was started by the Sith Lords Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma, the Jedi historian Atris attempted to revise the broken system of Jedi apprenticeship. The last sparring match against the Handmaiden's sisters, in which they all gang up on you at once, can be won by walking up to them, forcing them to back up so they can attack and pushing them off the mat effortlessly. Talk to her about them (be nice), then talk to Kreia about the Handmaiden's mother. Next, go to Nar Shadaa docks and go to Pylon 3 (the one at the very end). After you save Khoonda on Dantooine, Master Vrook will teach you a lightsaber form and give the lens to you. This helps your Force attacks and Force bar. Arguably the basis for the entire plot - nearly every primary character has been touched by. If you know that a difficult character or Boss is coming up and you are ready to level up, do not. Let's Play: Several good ones, but in particular the LP Archive's LS Male run, which explores much of the cut content, and even restores the game's original ending! She argued that there was little wonder why Kun and Qel-Droma fell to the Dark Side, when the Jedi had liberal instruction practices in place, such as dozens of Padawans training under a single Master, the radical bonds of reciprocal apprenticeship, and Jedi beginning their training in their teens and later. They are found near the Mandalorian ruins entrance, or by the Mandalorian cache. Begin a conversation with Bao-Dur. Join. Atton is a pilot and scoundrel like Han Solo, and even starts off wearing a vest and white shirt that are clearly intended to cultivate this impression, Many characters also seem designed to further explore concepts the devs created in, The party includes not one but two blind female magic users like Mebbeth, Ei-Vene, and Marta the Seamstress, not one but two floating non-human sidekicks a la Morte, and not one but, The game also includes not one but two men who literally refuse to die, one of them a grey-skinned,corpse-likeImplacable Man. The color of this particular crystal is chosen at complete random. Traya is also the Final Boss. Deal with the Devil: Darths Sion and Nihilus learn from the Third Sith's teachings about Force Wounds and become strong, eventually overthrowing her. Ask him for a reward, then leave them on their own. The Handmaiden sisters, which is justified by the fact that they're all sisters, and Echani genetics dictate that all same-sex siblings are identical regardless of age.. although, as said above, one of them (the one you'll definitely see the most of) is. Point of No Return: Returning to Dantooine and entering the rebuilt Jedi enclave. Getting your lightsaber back from Atris. They don't call it the Vertical City for nothing. The Republic is still reeling years later and only beginning the massive reconstruction efforts, while teetering dangerously close to collapse. The Exchange power struggle on Telos winds up like this, with Luxa, Czerka, Slusk, Goto and even a poor door guard getting tangled up in a web of plans. Vaklu is trying to overthrow Queen Talia to keep Onderon out of the Republic, Kreia is training the Exile to regain their connection to the Force. The Exile being a wound in the Force means that they feed on death, and grow stronger because of it. Sith Assassin/Jedi Watchmen: Gain the Force Camouflage ability, allowing you to sneak-attack unaware opponents for massive damage. Shown Their Work: Lead designer Chris Avellone claims to have sat through. Online. Making the long journey to gain their aid a failure. Ask him to make shields for you. You can also install an HK Protocol Pacifist Package, which turns HK into a demented, overly polite C-3PO. Once done, talk to him and agree to keep his secret. Dark Side gets Force Crush while Light Side gains Force Enlightenment, both received near the end of the game when the only option is to continue on with the story until the conclusion. Handmaiden's achievement for recruiting her (only for males) is called 'Orphan White', obviously referencing Orphan Black. Your party members have a nasty habit of disregarding your orders and always go after your target. Once you do this, your party usually is all dead except for you. Atton and Darth Sion's similarities as well as their rivalry. He first tells the Republic 'screw it' and joins those who were only loyal to Revan, then after a rather impressive career as a Sith torturer and Jedi-killer, a female Jedi he tortured and brought to the brink of death showed him he was Force Sensitive, and a prime candidate for ending up on the other side of the torture rack. The former class allows for more flexibility by virtue of giving much more feat choices, while the latter is even more stealth focused, granting greater bonuses to stealth damage. If your entire party enters combat, you will not be able to move about the rest of the temple and will be trapped in the last area with them. TSF wants him to come out of hiding to testify against his boss. You can switch between two sets of weapons rather than going to the equipment screen. The Force Speed ability normally only benefits the individual, but when using it outside of combat just to get around more quickly, your companions will also run faster so they won't get left behind. To become proficient with a lightsaber, you must work on the Dueling feat tree. Cut off her remaining hand? 3. After this, return to the tomb area, ask the Madalorian to explore the area, open the tomb, and take the items (which includes Freedon Nadd's short lightsaber). When Surik returned to face the Council's judgment after the devastating events of the Battle of Malachor V, Atris was the first to condemn her, suggesting that she had fallen to the dark side just as Revan had. Knowing that, you have to either must find or make a new one. Atris, self-proclaimed last of the Jedi, is as redas red can be.. he was an assassin who can in fact see people who are force sensitive.. including Jedi and Sith. A softer point is just completing the fourth planet, because it will make Kreia stop refocusing your crystal and answering your questions. Experience Points: Deconstructed/lampshaded. You will then be returned to your main character for the second mission. When Kreia leaves the party after your meeting with the Jedi Enclave, she takes all her gear with her. Select the Light side options and you should get an influence gain with him. KotoR 1 did that fairly well, but KotoR 2 amps everything up, talking about the very nature of war and how it destroys the people who take part in it. Amusingly, the Twins will occasionally heal themselves when injured, but they still won't attack. 'Telos' is Greek for 'the last' or 'the end' (as in English, it can also mean 'goal' or 'purpose'). Instead of fighting him head on, walk away from the pillar, where he will not see you, and place as many mines as possible (preferably not gas mines). During the Dark Wars and the first and great Jedi Purge, Atris called a secret Jedi gathering on the Miraluka world of Katarr in an attempt to find the threat that was stalking the Jedi. They are very difficult from the rest of the forces you have encountered. Just as with a male Exile, these feelings eventually aided in her fall. two handed or dual weapon feats during level up when she first joins the Exile, foreshadowing that the she will soon lose her left hand. Then, go to where the battle began and lay down all of your mines in one spot, directly on top of each other, Make Vrook follow you through the mines. It was revealed that Revan exploited this, having assassins and Jedi hunters go after the Jedi's companions to weaken their will later on. : Atton Rand's backstory pulls this trope out twice. at the Trayus Academy where he must fight Darth Sion. Hear him out and agree to help him find his wife, Aaida. On Enclave Courtyard, at the entrance to the rebuilt academy where the final confrontation of the remaining Jedi Masters is located, you can get inside before you complete any planets. Late-Arrival Spoiler: Previews for the game spoiled the fact that. For example, a Light Side Jedi Guardian / Jedi Weaponmaster has +6 Strength (+3 Strength for each class), and a Dark Side Jedi Consular / Sith Lord has +100 Force Points (+50 Force Points for each class). Then, add Handmaiden to your party and talk to the Twi'lek in the back of the Catina. After Traya had left, Meetra Surik returned and fought Atris and defeated her in a lightsaber duel. This even makes Kreia's defeat possible without having to concern yourself with the three floating lightsabers. The writing in general is leagues better in 2. He is referred to by several of the records that serve as the Apocalyptic Log and being someone who wanted to sell the Jedi and was shown as being a troublemaker around the mining facility. When you do use Drain Force in this manner, you will get Force points back (more if you are fighting about ten to twelve Hssiss).

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