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comfortably numb amp settings line 6

Well, it is a Strat so it won’t sound like a Les Paul :) Strats with vintage style, mids scooped pickups, like you have, will sound twangy so if you don’t like that, you might want to look into hotter pickups, with more mid range and an overall darker tone or… get a second Les Paul :) You might also want to consider pedals that are designed to emulate a hum bucker-ish tone, like the OCD and RAT. It is also amazing so many effects companies can’t make vintage sounding pedals in their reissues too.Anyway, it has been a real joy doing research on your site to see about getting that tiny bit closer to sounding a little like David Gilmour, sort of. Check out this article too for some general tips on how to arrange a setup and how to set your amp, which applies to amp sims too. Im pretty sure it starts alternately picking the e and b strings, but at 6.28 it becomes sonic madness (I call it ‘the wobbling part’) before returning to something more understandable at 6.32 until the end of the phrase. Won’t be much though! Actually, the “notes about nothing” title is stolen from my favourite TV show… Seinfeld :) – Bjorn]. The Ram’s Head is slightly brighter and can appear a bit more aggressive. 14 LINE PRESSURE BOOST INSTALLATION DIAGRAM 15 PROGRAMMING These machines have an updated hand held (wired) keypad, pictured below, to allow the user to comfortably view and change the machine settings. The sound that i’ve got it’s a kind of fat, and changing the order of the pedals, i’ve got a sound more agressive. When you speak of delay volume, I’m curious if theres an easy way to control the volume of my delays since neither the DD-20, nor Carbon copy have a volume knob. Pick the E first and simultaneously bend down the tremolo arm one whole note. Thanks! A good tip is to shield your guitar’s cavity with copper foil. [Thanks Stephen! Let the Muff handle the gain but use the booster more as an EQ opening up the Muff a bit. You are causing me to spend a lot of money! – Bjorn]. – Bjorn]. – Bjorn]. The rotating speaker in CN. In my opinion this is a wonderful site to learn all sorts of things not only about David Gilmour’s gear and tone but also a lot of useful information and tips on pedals, amplifiers and guitars in general, so thank you. Another well written, informative article written by Bjorn. and another youtube lesson I made for CF solo #1, I found this “Orange treble and bass booster” clone on Ebay, MXR ’74 Phase 90 reissue from Mike at, For the first solo I really love this version. So I plan to buy the Mooer Black Secret, is it a good idea? UNIVERSO :. … by the way ;) Nice article! Some say that the rhythms on the verse and main guitar solo were played on a standard tuning while the chours bit was played with a so called Nashville tuning. I didn’t understood! is an independent, member supported forum and is not affiliated with Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. I can’t wait for the SOYCD article. I remember when i saw Pink Floyd Live at Knebworth in tv, i was 14 years old and i was very impressed by Gilmour in particular that i decided to play guitar! My Big Muff sounds quite harsh when I turn up the amp loud, especially when the tone wicker switch is engaged. Any tips/ educated guesses/ uneduacated guesses thoroughly welcome!! My question is, what is everyone referring to? 9.30, Tube Driver: Out Level 14, EQ Hi 9, EQ Low 14, Tube Drive 8. 1-16 of 114 results for "line 6 amp" Skip to main search results Eligible for Free Shipping. Vetta II Tones marked with this guitar … very nice and interesting article. [Very nice indeed! Ill get it eventually and you might eventually be able to hear my playing. – Bjorn], You never miss out on any little details Bjorn ;), Brilliant Tutorial – Very well explained and very helpful! Thanks in advance!!!! [What are your amp settings? Or should I get out of that Boss mentality and look somewhere else? I ripped some channels from the 5.1 movie soundtrack to hear the solo clearer without all the delay. Hi there! It’s nice to see that there are more lunatics like me :-) That’s also what I like about your site. The Blues Mood (or Boss BD2) can be set up for both clean boost for your cleans or for boosting gains or as a dedicated overdrive. Chuck, Lindy’s #1 guy, and the guy who sold me my first gear 34 years ago, answered, and said Lindy wasn’t in yet, but did I have questions? Just thanks ! (…) Then I just follow the chart, whipping one fader up, then another fader, jumping from phrase to phrase and trying to make a really nice solo all the way through.”. Here’s my considerations and the equipment I’m using to reach the sound of the studio version: Forget about the Electric Mistress. I’d love to meet you someday! – You might want to increase the hi on the Tube Driver after you’ve rolled off the filter on the RAT. I know before I ask this question you won’t want to answer it but I’ll ask it anyway. I couldn’t get any typical Mistress sounds with it. First of all, great article, congratulations. DELAY – moderate volume and feedback and about 550ms time. This site is one of my fav sites if not the #1. Thanks to you I am getting very good at recognizing which muff sound is which, as well as the fuzz tones. I’m not sure whether is was modded or not but I assume that Cornish fixed some of the noise problems when the pedal was built into David’s pedal board in late 1977. – Bjorn], First of all, THANK YOU for your incredible generosity. Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb - Guitar Solo including Boss Katana amp settings, Tab and Backing Track Close. Our Vetta II amplifier includes a digital connection for the Variax that lets you store settings for both your amp and your guitar in the Vetta II so that when you call up a Vetta Channel Memory your amp and guitar can change sounds together. I think the SSL5/muff/Mistress combo pretty much nails the album tone, though a B.Y.O.C. All of the settings for this tone can be found in this PDF download below. hey bjorn isnt the neck on your 50s strat a bigger v-style and the neck on the 70’s the modern slimmer c-shape?? Excellent work… When are you going to publish a book???? There are different reports on what effects David used for the sessions. …and here is me jamming to the solo #1 chords. You could also go for something more versatile, like a RAT or the excellent Evolution from Buffalo FX. I was thinking of getting one to replace my DD-20. But if I choose a flanger effect, I hesitate between EHX Deluxe EM (actual models) and the Mooer Eleclady. Having said that, I definitely agree with Ruud regarding the presets. You might need to roll down the gain a bit and have the tone around noon or possibly higher. i think bjorn didn’t like the lack of true bypass? Bjorn, ignore idiots like that. Again, great job all around. That’s spot on. The chain is (currently) as follows: Boss CS3 – BossOS2 – Ibanez TS9 – Boss Super Chorus CH-1 – Boss DD7. With a bit of tweaking the Eleclady works great with gain pedals as well. The second CF solo is the reason I picked up the guitar in the first place, and now over twenty years later I finally have the exact tone from the record that I am happy with. [Pedal settings depends very much on your guitar, the pickups and the amp. It’s hard to tell why a guitar solo becomes so famous and loved by so many. compressor > distortion > overdrive > EQ > chorus/flanger > delay. Home / Pod Go Patches / Line 6 Helix Pink Floyd Collection. But I guess it will work for Meddle – WYWH. Gain set at the edge of breakup reverb used a little bit of reverb to make it sound like pulse Now imagine turning your guitar’s tone knob to control multiple amp and effects parameters. Bjorn, And the great site! I think Ive pretty much nailed the tone, your input was invaluable. I’m also considering the DG20 pickups. Hey, nice sound mate, but you got admit that the EMG´s were the gilmour sound for over 25 years, (more than the black one) so if fender has to release a DG start that´d be the red one. Lindy rewound the pick up’s, and shipped them to Phil Taylor, and when he was checking his files, he noticed they were never paid for, and Phil/David, still owes him a hundred buck’s. People may be interested to hear them? Great thread (6 years in the making…). Hi Bjorn just like to say that as I am a huge Pink Floyd fan. I hope you get Garageband up and running… let me know if you need any help. Stock Fender bridges aren’t designed to keep the arm in place and if you screw in too far in it’ll snap right off. It’s very noisy. David also adds a booster or mild overdrive after the Muff to add more volume and character. Jeff, I am with you Jeff. Another question. David used the very first 1976 18V version. Im looking for a good all around pedal suitable for all eras, and not too expensive. The trick to getting that unique sound, and trust me on this, is using either a chorus or flange pedal (or better stil pitch modulator) set with the speed at NIL and the depth at max- if you try this you’ll be amazed. Cool article Bjorn! This is by far the best composed guitar solo by David. I picked up a Skreddy Pink Flesh triangle muff clone on ebay and it is dead on to the album sound. i know some ppl swear that neck size makes a huuge difference to tone, maybe thats whats going on?? I never thought I’d be playing this song, but it looks as though I will at least be making a go of it. I’m also considering to buy a tube amp soon, I really loved demos about the Bugera V22. Cheers! Also really impressed with the brief but informative ‘waving part’ tutorial. Muffs tend to sound bright and harsh on low volume levels and solid state amps and in most cases you’re better off with a Rat for distortions and maybe a Folltone OCD, Ibanez TS9, or similar, for overdrive. 3dognate. If this doesn’t sit right then I recommend a more transparent booster like the Boss BD2, which is great for this purpose. To James : Hi! – “Comfortably Numb – A History of the Wall” by Vernon Fitch and Richard Mahon, Share this post: the description says he just uses the lead channel of it Bjorn, 2:44 3. Bookmark 1. I have a big muff with tone wicker and I was looking at getting the Boss BD 2 as a booster, do you think that’s a good move? I had the same experience! It’s a fantastic resource you’ve created. David Gilmour Lead Guitar Tone PDF Download What the desired tone is here is a clear gain sound with lots of sustain given lots of space with delay and reverb. [I just wanted to try how they sounded on the 50’s Strat compared to the 70’s really. I first thought you were an english teacher. I also remember that his guitar was surprisingly noisy when he used high gain effects.. especially between songs. Brain Damage - The definitive Pink Floyd radio show! You probably remember i have spoken to you about the ‘waving part’ many a time. Concerning the tremolo having it flat like Gilmour does the waving part as you’ve shown it done the same way ? Can you give me a specific time interval on the versions you’re referring to? [I think I was talking about the Boss DD-20. 6 Cliffs of Dover – Plexi Lead 100 (Eric Johnson) 7 Cold Shot – Tweed B-man (Stevie Ray Vaughan) 8 Comfortably Numb – Hiway 100 (Pink Floyd) 9 Comm Breakdown – Super O (Led Zeppelin) 10 Crushing Day – Brit Gain Silver J (Joe Satriani) 11 Day Tripper -Class A15 (The Beatles) 12 Every Breath – Jazz Clean (The Police) You can here them here, at the third part of the recording. It’s the perfect combination of the instrumental Floyd and Roger’s lyrics and it’s one of David’s finest performances both in terms of his playing and tone. focus don’t forget to remind people they can get the MXR ’74 Phase 90 reissue from Mike at with mods like an LED, true bypass and power supply for a reasonable price. While David played the acoustic guitar on the second verse and main guitar solo, session guitarist Lee Ritenour handled the duties on the chorus. Mike says that the hand wired reissue is spot on to his vintage phase 90 and he knows his stuff! on Facebook [Hi Neil! The unpicked string remains resonating while I continue playing other notes. The interview was transmitted on Radio 1 on 28th July 1992. I also have a question: Is the Fulltone Fatboost a versatile replacement for the Colorsound Powerboost? – Bjorn]. I was really impressed by the demos! OK. EQ’s aren’t a must. [Thanks Pete! And I gig it cos everyone thinks it’s a piece of old junk!! What do I have to do for a “clean” overdriven, distorted sound? Congratulations for the good work. Was i wrong? – Bjorn]. I’ve learned a lot of things! – “Is There Anybody Out There – The Wall live 1980-81”, official live album 2000 No fees or member's areas. All content except where noted otherwise is ©ørn Riis 2021 | Design by Bjørn Riis,, Check out this feature for some tips on setting up your pedals, See this feature for some amp set up tips,, Check out this feature for more tips on overdrive and distortions on different setups, Please see this feature for some Big Muff tone tips,,, See a complete breakdown of all the Wall songs here, I created a page on my website strictly about the CN outro solo that you may want to check out. I’ve been playing that part completely wrong all this time! Great article as usual Bjorn, and David’s hair is indeed priceless on that clip. If you’re only playing at home you’ll manage with even less. I think the RAT is a much more versatile pedal and better if you’re only playing at home and the Muff is recommended for bigger rigs and stages. One question has already hit me. Too bad you don’t like the TC Nova delay. I am trying to figure out how to eliminate the Strat “twang”. My gear for CN- original 1956 strat with original pickups then into- Compulator Compressor – Keeley modded TS808 Tube screamer- SIB Variodrive (tube overdrive pedal)- TC Chorus- TC Delay (slapback)- Carl Martin Delayla for the big delay into Fender Custom Shop 1957 Tweed Twin Reisisue. After reading and watching your reviews about D Allen’s pickups, I have bought a loaded pickguard with the Echoes set. I’ve managed on a dare to stretch out the final solo to six minutes, but it was tough! Sometimes this can sound kinda cool, but mostly its detrimental as the pedals seem to pick up on the older background note ie like an over length sustain and ends up contaminating the sound. Jchrisf Member. anyway your the best man, and love the Airbag songs too. I haven’t heard much of Lifeson but perhaps I should check him out :) Anyone has any experience with the GT6??? Categories. [QUESTION] Amp settings for comfortably numb solo? share. I tried all the rotating speaker pedals, and the only one that can reach the exact amound of the modulation is the DLS ROTOSIM Rotating Speaker Simulator. What can I say that has not already been said !? [Sorry for the late reply. When I use the PROCO RAT, everything is more “quiet”, but the sound is not so “fat” than with the MUFF. Would you happen to know, assuming such a website exists, where I could find instructions and such to build my own Cornish-style pedalboard? They seem to have added a lot of mid range on most of his guitar parts while they were mixing the DVD. My amp is a VOX VT20+(birthday gift) and my guitar it’s a Squier Strat CV50. [Depends on how you look at it I guess. There is the original recording of the ‘Roger the Hat’ laughter used on DSOTM and a cover by David of Like a Rolling Stone. I learned to play this part thanks to Bjorn, an I think that even if on this website there was just this tutorial, it would be perfect. Cornish TES- 1k tape mode 150ms 2 repeats Can you break down the tone by verse, chorus, bridge solo, end solo? I hate hearing my self talk English LOL but hopefully you’ll undertstand what I’m saying :) – Bjorn]. They’re very cool pedals but not very Gilmour. SPB-8. I’d love something like that. "Run Like Hell" 4:20 4. Here’s a rundown of some of the features that are specific to the various amps: Micro Spider – 6 watts, 6.5” speaker, 5 amp models, 6 effects (2 simultaneous), 1/4” microphone input, 5 … You know Fred, I was thinking the same thing! Thanks for your awesome reviews :) I’ve tried Guitar Rig, Amplitube all of them and just recently bought my self a Line 6 POD X3. I’m looking for classic sound and I don’t know what to buy! Recently i’ve bought a Digitech Bad Monkey and a Green Big Muff pi clone and, following your instructions, i’ve put guitar->muff->BadMonkey->amp (clean). Your site is a goldmine for me, keep up this great work! Line 6 POD Tones. David wrote the chords and melody during the recording sessions for his first solo album in 1978. Cornish P1 Vol 40% Tone 30% Sustain 70% I guess we might not ever know for sure but I hope we can get a real answer someday. I just read this article again. – “Delicate Sound of Thunder”, official live album 1988 I had two amps to my left and right so I was actually hearing myself in stereo too. You can either pop it it or screw it tight safely. It sounds perfect. I’m not sure I know what you mean. Try setting it at unity level with the amp, which should be around 2:00 o’clock. I’ve listed them both as simply “overdrive”. Thanks a lot for your kind words! Do some tweaking until you get a desired tone and add the pedals on top of that. Electric mistress (9,9,9) Hi Bjorn, when we’ll see an article on the talk box? It’s very versatile with headphones on (the speaker in these combo amps are not so good). Roll it back off again if the treble gets too spiky. It’s cool to see how so many different tones can still sound for the solo! [Between the two, I think the DD400 would be most suitable. Thanks, Kerry. It’s often a problem getting the desired tone from a Big Muff and the solution is very simple: volume. Sounds really horrible. Im stumped. – “David Gilmour live at the Hammersmith Odeon”, original concert video 1984 [The ’57 V-neck is thicker than the C-neck but the finger board on the C is wider. – Bjorn], nova delay user here too.. have not really gotten to try all it has to offer, but this is really a solution to those looking for a delay pedal doing everything under the sun (minus loops, which is actually still possible). Hey Bjorn, something that I’ve always wondered about and have never been able to find a good answer to is why did they play Comfortably Numb at a distinctly slower tempo in ‘87-‘90 and ‘94 than on the original recording and as played during The Wall tour and on David’s 2006 and 2016 tours? I’ll write a review when I’m back from the beach and dried off the coconut oil sometime in medio August. Cheers from Italy :-), okey this is the biggest coinsidense ever i was watching Comfortably Numb from the Remember That Night dvd and was thinking to myself wonder if Bjørn ever wrote that CF article he promised so i type in and wath is the first ting that meets me? I would really appreciate it if I could get your opinion. If u want i can send it to you. Your english is actually very good by the way. – Bjorn]. Is this worth getting also – is it better/worse than the colossus. I would also stay away from using overdrives and boosters designed for tube amps, like the Tube Driver and Colorsound Power Boost. Called the rp55 comp 1justso it can sound like its getting push more amp Fender twin style bass 3. Or do I need to invest in a smoother Muff pedal. – Bjorn]. -Bjorn]. – The filter on the RAT is quite high so you might want to roll that off to about 2:00 o’clock for a warmer tone (the filter opposite other tone knobs). lol, Why do use 69 pickups so often? – Although not required I would also add a compressor (placed first in the chain) for a bit more attack and sustain. I’m playing a custom Tele style guitar with SD59s double coils. Line 6 POD X3 Live: Songs and Bass Patch Lists . If I have for example a cs2, Colossus, BD2, Elec Mistress, flashback, Laney Cub12R. The guitars were recorded sometime early autumn 1979. A very clever musical way to assert through further deepening the vocal contrast, in arguably his finest guitar as well as vocal performance of his career, that he indeed was, and still is, “The Voice and Guitar of Pink Floyd”. Strat Eric Johnson Got it? I often go back (or forward) to the film version of the song, which is mixed with even more presence and volume. You’ve got settings on your amp but also settings on the guitar. Vesco’s Helix Patch Sorter. Do you think this will work with the Blues Junior? The website is great and I look forward to the Shine On article. I will be trying this on a few of my new designed pedals (G2 copy-ish thingy) So it has a longer 2nd solo. I have an idea and I’m not sure if anyone has mentioned this prior to my post, but you should add a gallery of David playing or just a gallery full of just pictures of David, his guitars, on stage, etc. In the Black Strat book by Phil Taylor is says simply that Duncan sent Gilmour a new Custom pickup to try and that David preferred over the DiMarzio. If you have one of the Line 6 Helix series of processors (Helix, Helix Rack, Helix LT or Helix Native), feel free download the Helix preset below by clicking the "Download Lesson File" button. I knew Pink Floyd through my sister but I didn’t know anything about them really. [That’s great James although I think the article suggests that the compressor should be in front of the Muff :) Compressor > distortion > overdrive. These has a lot more gain and mid range than what I’d normally recommend for David’s tones so it can be a bit too… especially with such hot pickups that are on your Tele. It’s a case of mssing around until I get the ‘creamy sing’ depending on the room and volume. Also for Hey You (Pulse version) which peals would you throw together? Well worth buying in my opinion. First up is Shine On. [Thanks! As long as you’re not playing in football stadiums a 50w head with a matching cabinet will be more than enough. [From what I’ve experienced, yes. Warm, slightly dirty tone for PULSE – Bjorn], This is my second attempt at this comment, and the first time I’ve used my PC for posting. Pink Floyd - Echoes / Live at Pompeii ( full ) - YouTube. So not sure if its meant to be so. I have a ’76 DynaComp and a CS2, it seems to me that the DynaComp is more suitable for solos like that. thank you very much. What a sound, and very affordable! I was wondering, do you know if David ever had his Electric Mistress modded by Cornish or anybody and what mods were they? I did it with my old set up (GT 8) with things like another brick pt one and Shine on but never with this kind of solo’s. I have been coming to this sight for about 8 years and this community has never insulted one another, especially the guy who provides the dang site. (Always great to surprise the s*** out of somebody who thinks they know ALL your tricks. Comf Numb was recorded with the bridge pickup throughout and the mini switch was engaged (bridge and neck) for the first solo. Dont Stop Believin tone Line 6 Pod Go £ 1.00 Add to basket; Comfortably Numb Line 6 Pod Go £ 1.00 Add to basket; The Cult She Sells Sanctuary Line 6 Pod Go £ 1.00 Add to basket; Black Sabbath War Pigs tone Line 6 Pod Go £ 1.00 Add to basket The integration between Variax and Helix … Settings and setups : Keep in mind that all effect settings and setups are based on pictures and video from a certain date and/or interviews and 3rd hand transcriptions that are subject to interpretation. Listen to how the drums and bass shift from one pattern to another and the dramatic difference between the verse, which is very stripped and dark, and the chorus, which is lush and airy. Ruud, I highly recommend a stereo setup. Our Vetta II amplifier includes a digital connection for the Variax that lets you store settings for both your amp and your guitar in the Vetta II so that when you call up a Vetta Channel Memory your amp and guitar can change sounds together. I have a backing track of Comfortably Numb that is the PULSE version. "The Show Must Go On" 1:36 2. [Thanks Leandro! Main Stratocaster Guitar Discussion Forum. Hey Bjorn, you’ve done a great job! That’ll be changing over the next few months, though, with upgrades to both the guitar and possibly a new amp…wonder how things will go then…. if it works. (And while my Boss OS2 is a great, versatile pedal, it does have this tendency to pick up radio stations. Solid examination! Turning the guitars volume down helps but I’m wondering if this should be happening in the first place. Im a beginner and uses Orange Crush 20, along with strat and an EHX Soulfood. Thanks, Clueless in Virginia! [Skreddy has had some problems finding quiet transistors. What effects would you recommend to use on an effectboard like the Line6 Pod HD500? Check out the settings suggested in the feature and tweak your way aouround that :) – Bjorn], Hi Bjorn, Welcome to my collection of tones for Boss, Line 6, Amplitube, Overloud and Positive Grid. Can’t wait for Shine On! [Hi Rob! I downloaded your patches and tried them yesterday with some backing tracks — now I want to withdraw from selling the “Live”.

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