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giant betta care

Also, do the 25% water changes more frequently so you aren’t doing such abrupt changes to the water parameters. Lucy & Mr. Ollie. I had one 10 years ago and it was red Spade tail. He doesn’t seem sick. If he’s slowly dulling in color then it can be a sign of stress. you spelled your name wrong . Also, after reading this care page, you should have a better understanding of what to provide and not to provide in order to promote better health. You can use this product or others like it as long as you properly dose it for 6-gallons. What about these plants on top of the tank set ups? Betta fish come from a tropical climate in Thailand so they require warm water in their tanks. So, I’m planning on getting a betta and I read everything on this page, but how long should I leave the tank with water but without the betta? Unbelievable talk about a bully to pick on a defensive fish. Consider purchasing a pH kit to keep it in a healthy range if necessary. Zebra Danio Fish. I’ve had him for around 4 months, and I have him in a 3.7 gallon tank with one soft plastic plant and a tall structure for shade– I have a heater, and a filter (my last betta had a 4 gallon tank without a filter and it died, even when I was assured by Petco that everything was fine.) It’s always better to establish and cycle the tank prior to introducing a betta, however, you could use a quick-start product to introduce beneficial bacteria immediately. How often to feed as the fish loves two pellets twice daily but I was told feed 2-3 x week…. Get to Know the Betta Fish Betta fish naturally live across tropical Southeast Asia (especially Thailand) in small, warm, stagnant bodies of water. you say that the beta needs a day night schedule. I responded to your email, but yes a 10-gallon would be fine – although I’d recommend a longer horizontal tank than vertical for a betta if possible. Since I am new to take care of betta fish. After doing a 20% water change on Sunday he started to change. Please read the acclimation page. All the water stuff is kinda confusing but I just want the best I can do for him. Betta food comes in different varieties including pellets, flakes, live, and freeze-dried options. Email * I … It also allows them to gulp food from the water surface without worrying about the air disrupting their swim bladder. I feed the brine shrimp by using a dropper to suction them from their own water, so a very small amount of salt water will already mix into his water-is that enough to make a difference? We do monitor these l I also keep a soft bristled tooth brush for aquarium decor cleaning too for those nooks and crannies. Tammy. Thank you. Silk plants, non-sharp decor, and some gravel for the bottom. Have not read your comments before so wonder if you touch on their skin problems. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Betta fish normally occupy the top half of their habitat, however the floating issues are concerning. Adding live plants is always a great idea to help reduce waste (ammonia) and oxygenate the water too. i already have a good day to night schedule set up for the lizard and as the heat lamp for my snake has a relatively low light level, he took maybe a week to adjust to having this small amount of light and he sleeps quite well (its adorable, once i find him between the leaves in his enclosure, he is so peaceful looking), i was wondering if a betta may adjust the same way he has and adapt to having a low amount of light at night. I am very new to betta care and have a couple of concerns about my new buddy Sushi. Food labels are often unclear and inconsistent. Should I go ahead and start to acclimate him? If you have a fish that dawdles when they eat, you can give them up to 5 minutes. Some bettas are too aggressive to live with other inhabitants, but they can play nice with certain tank mates that are non-aggressive and do not possess any bright colors or long fins. Heat lamps should not be used. I am worried about my last two betta fish, They’re acting a little weird. I did a lot of reading before setting up his tank and I’ve read that the GH needs to be 25ppm or lower and the KH needs to be 80ppm or higher. These include, but are not limited to, the crowntail, veil tail, double tail, delta tail, butterfly, and halfmoon. Today there’s another one but smaller. The filter and the light should go on and off, but the heater has to be on at all times, unless the temperature is over 85 degrees. Is there anything else I can do or any other advice you have for me? I have been a Betta owner for over 5 years now. I have a question concerning lighting. Bryan, I wanted to let you know that I have done so many of the suggestions and finally, finally he is showing much better response. Some of bettas when they full they won't eat anymore but some of them still eat over full.....if they have over full many time....their stomach can't digestive. He is in a 3 gal. An ammonia flare up can be from using a habitat that’s too small, or from not having a proper nitrogen cycle established. The easiest way is to use a siphon vacuum and a small trash can or 5-gallon bucket to have the water flow into. Featured Image: NatalyaAksenova, How to Take Care of a Betta Fish: History, Life Span, Feeding, and Tank Setup, No fish should be forced to live in a bowl. So I’m not having a heater. If he does it seems like a chore to do so and then he’ll just stop swimming and float back to the top. I got a NEW giant betta fish!! Can I say something, it doesn’t cost a fortune to have a Betta. Upgraded 1 betta tank from 1.6-gallons to a 5.2-gallon aquarium, will be upgrading the kids’ betta tank as well!! The betta fish gained European attention in 1840 when the King gave a few of them to a Danish physician named Dr. Theodore Cantor. Conditioning your Betta for breeding involves making them strong enough so that they can withstand the breeding process. Is this so or why does he make all those tiny bubbles? Only use approved aquarium decorations and materials that are safe for fish. Sounds like stress without seeing a photo. stretches at a time, over 21 years as company owner & walker/sitter to us, there is no such creature as “only”, not in *my* vernacular. Betta fish prefer their water’s pH to be slightly acidic. I was wondering if this is normal or if I should be doing something else to clear it up? Thanks for responding! So help me please. I also attached the top loading filter that it came with and put it in an area where I can plug it in; it also has a light attached to it. Get the best deals for giant betta fish at For a small 1 gallon tank you have to get a weak heater like Hydor 7.5 Watt, for 2.5 gallons, you can get a 10W one, like Aqueon Mini Heater. I have a filter for up to a 10 gallon tank and change the filter and water regularly (not at the same time). Thank you so much in advance, and keep up the great work with this site!!! As for the color changes or becoming more vibrant, that’s normal in some bettas as they are cared for better. There is very little information about feeding them Betta flakes, so how much should i give him? It is very helpful. Hi Lulu – I think it’s great you are researching before buying a betta fish instead of after! Breeders may also stay away from manufactured pellets and flakes, opting for live foods to prepare for shows and breeding. However, despite their popularity in the fish world, many people are still unfamiliar with their care requirements. The KH buffers the pH and affects how easily it can cause it to fluctuate, so bad would be 0ppm. Just stays at bottom. The ideal habitat would be 5-gallons, filtered and heated with one or two 20% partial conditioned water changes per week. So starting at a 5-gallon or 10-gallon tank for your betta, you would need to increase the size for each new tank mate. I don’t want to screw up somehow and kill the fish. My curiosity is about your comment on aquarium salt to keep fins healthy- I’ve not heard of that before, but I already have some, as I keep brine shrimp separately, so adding it is easy to his water enough. They bite. What’s wrong? I read this article and other and have set up the tank and water properly with all the accessories and appliances needed. For all Giant bettas that Uncle Sala and Mr. Natee sent for this IBC competition, they measured the size of all Giant bettas before sending to competition. Also I read somewhere that once/week it’s ok/good for a betta to ‘fast’ and to give him a cooked pea. You and your site are very, very helpful and I am grateful for you. But he seems bloated, and I stopped feeding him for a couple of days, but it hasn’t gone away. And in a few hours later he’s dead. I would recommend a 10gal for 1 King betta as they are twice the size of a normal betta. The plants DO NOT purify the water and your betta will not thrive in this situation. He has been hanging on the sides of the tank for about a week. Care, feeding and the fish's genetics can all affect how long a betta will live. Also consider adding aquarium salt to your aquarium’s water to reduce stress and swelling, and to promote healthy fins. 2.5 gallons). They both require the same water parameters, food, tank size, and decorations/plants. $65.00. I’ve never had any fish since when I was around four years old, and those were goldfish that died pretty quickly, so obviously I’m new at all this. Or should I be trying to cover up the light with tape over the night time? Beli Betta Giant Online berkualitas dengan harga murah terbaru 2021 di Tokopedia! Im not new to owning betta fish, but I’m new to breeding them. Betta fish are very sensitive to changes in their habitat’s temperature and water parameters. and i tht he was dead . The ph and water temp are good. He may not see her as a suitable mate. There is no such thing as too much swimming space, so you could even do a 10-gallon tank—just be sure that the tank is not super deep. I feed him 2 pellets in the morning and 2 or 3 in the evening. Thanks. I choose him because he greeted (no flaring) me at the ‘glass’ everytime I got close. My betta has bad fins. Betta’s can be very picky eaters, head over to the food/feeding page for more information, and consider getting a different pellet. Once you add a baffle sponge to the filters output tube to slow down the filter flow for betta fish it’s a beautiful and functional tank. Their water temp was around 78 degrees F and their PH was always fine. Hi Ross – kudos to you for wanting to help him out. Visit our complete guide to the best live and fake betta fish plants. (Would explain the ammonia, if he’s dead. Consider printing or saving it for future reference: The difference between female betta fish care and male betta fish care is very minimal. Please reply soon. i am taking care of a sad and cold beta. Or am I just extremely inexperienced and paranoid?”. While the betta fish might be referred to as the “Siamese Fighting Fish,” they’re not as mean as their reputation would suppose. Water added to the tank must be free of chlorine and other contaminants. Petco did not treat him well. It is possible to keep bettas with other fish, although it’s not at all preferable. Bettas can be bred in just a few inches of water but do not typically breed in community aquariums due to their solitary nature. I was giving him small amounts of the Omega One freeze dried brine shrimp for 2-3 days as he started to spit out his Tetra Betta Plus pellets. Consider fasting your betta one day a week for digestive health. The pet shop owner said not to use any filter , just some dechlorinator and ph modulator which is also antifungal. The only thing I could guess on is all of the things you did in a short period of time may have caused additional stress. When changing the temperature and water conditions, do it slowly and methodically. If you’ve read this page, it has all of the major things you should be concerned with. Filters and their media should be cleaned by rinsing them in existing tank water to preserve healthy bacteria. Your GH reading at 75ppm is okay for a betta fish. he’s cold and sad, mr. fish. Abrupt changes can stress your fish and even cause adverse health consequences. While filters aren’t mandatory, they are highly encouraged for aquariums larger than 3 gallons. A good filter can help reduce these levels and establish healthy bacteria in tanks 3 gallons or larger. The most important part, however, is ensuring a rich and varied diet. Right now the GH has been a steady at 75ppm and the KH has been steady of 40ppm. Have you replaced the filter media on schedule? Females, however, can live together in groups of five or more, but the tank size should double to 10 gallons or more. He now will come up and eat 2 pellets then swims quickly back to bottom and appears to have labored breathing. My daughter just bought a betta two weeks ago. Betta fish can be fed flakes, pellets, or frozen foods that are specially made for them. I’m now giving him bettafix, first week he was back to his old self, now hes back hiding again,. Two in the community tank might give you problems unless there are ample hiding spaces and it’s a larger tank. It was difficult to tell as he is black with iridescent coloring. I’m 13 and i’m getting a Beta fish and I have to pay for it my self and I have like $40 to spend on it so what should I get for it. They are actually preferred over filters with stronger currents for bettas. I’m so glad I found this page – I am a brand new (surprise) betta mom. Our beautiful blue male fin “indigo” has been very lethargic laying on the bottom of the tank. I was giving two baby bettas a female and a male the past couple weeks. Can you help me better understand what has just happened? Hi, I’m planning to buy a betta fish and I was just asking if it is fine to keep it with a filter sponge as my tank is small for the other filter types. I’m not sure Because I know bettas don’t like currents. The size of the tank determines the strength of the heater – so the water doesn’t get too hot. they,my neighbor, turned off his filter, the heat in house is 60 degrs. As a betta owner, you should always be monitoring the health of your fish and watching out for any indicators of concern. In your post above, you said to never leave bleach on any tank surface for longer than 10 minutes. Vacuum up all waste and uneaten food from gravel. Use a 10% mixture: 9 cups of water to 1 cup of bleach. ulam_giant_betta. Betta fish are not very strong swimmers and a filter can stress them out if the current is too strong. I guess I’m asking if you have any suggestions as to why this is happening? Here’s some more information on bowel movements. petco pfff. Fasting is definitely good practice to keep your betta regular and the pea is to introduce some additional fiber to also keep the betta’s digestive tract functioning properly. I don’t allow them to be in my room when I’m not home or when I am a sleep other than that can go in and out of my room as they please. Female Betta Male Betta Plakat Halfmoon Crowntail Giant Betta Koi Betta Dumbo Ear Nemo Betta Dragon Betta Update 2/24: Due to substantial delays with FedEx. Betta fish may also refuse to eat during stress, especially when first bringing them home. For food, you should feed 1-2 times per day, with 2-3 pellets per feeding, and take one day with no food (fasting). No fish should be forced to live in a bowl. You could try a baby, it’s definitely worth it if you have them for more of their life, just make sure you read up on how to care for one and get some flakes you can crush up for feeding. (Tap Water) We had no filter or heater and it lived in a basement room. Never place 2 males, or a male and female in the same tank unless breeding. Betta fish, which is actually pronounced “bet-tah” fish, not “bay-tah” fish, have long been clear favorites of novice and advanced aquarists alike. $30.00 (MV-378) Red Butterfly Halfmoon Male Betta. Thanks Donetta! Betta fish need natural day and night light cycles. Decorations are optional, but live plants are recommended. Filters reduce harmful bacteria while supporting healthy bacteria. Is this normal for a Betta? As these contests grew in popularity, the King of Siam began to regulate and tax betta fish. Cleaning your tank and its decorations is very important for your betta fish’s health. He has a heater, filter, hideouts, two silk plants, and one live plant. I am due to do another full cleaning which makes me nervous but I am going to take it slow and make sure I am not misoany steps. Some betta fish pellets. Someone suggested not feeding him for a couple of days. The ideal scenario is to cycle the tank to fully establish a stable nitrogen cycle before the addition of any fish. Turn off the light at night, even if it turns off the air bubbler. I can’t add a picture. With proper care, your betta could live up to ten years despite their average life of 2-4 years. If the filter is blowing him around the tank and he has to swim furiously to get to the surface for air or just around the tank, then it’s a problem. This helps reduce stress, otherwise keep monitoring him and doing the water changes making sure the water is clean and to the right temperature. Basic Guide to Buying and Taking Care of a Betta Fish in Singapore. I don’t have any problem with the 20 gallon. All comments are moderated before going live. Read more → I know the babies are more of a challenge, but I think it would be worth it. Please help me heal him. By the way I use pellets. Thank you, The average room temperature in a home is 68 degrees Fahrenheit, which is well below their required temperature. I would like to keep my fish for as long as possible. There was no symptoms or signs of any abnormality. I put her in her own tank and did ANOTHER 100% water change. I’m confused with so many information everywhere. I don’t know if it would be safer to buy one at petsmart or the Walmart to try and save the life they have left. Always rinse, rinse, rinse all surfaces with clean water to remove any bleach traces before refilling. Giant Betta Care. You have to keep them wet. One of the most common issues linked to poor betta health is sustained exposure to increased levels of ammonia and nitrites. She stayed on the ground which wasn’t uncommon for her, but she just seemed to stop trying. Could this have been the problem? And also, I’ve read that u should do partial water changes, but my mom always says oh he’s tough, he can go months without a water change, so we haven’t been doing as much. Yes, all new water going into the tank should be treated with conditioner to remove harmful things like chlorine. Anything is appreciated! How much should I add for the tank size? The same is true if the tank is near a window, the angle the light is entering the tank can make a difference. Steal it and give it a better home….it deserves it…. But to help them live this long, you will need to provide them with the right fish tank, food, light, and mental stimulation. Below are common characteristics of healthy and sick bettas. Recently though, I thought it would be good to buy baby bettas and make a sorority. A filter is relatively inexpensive and is best when included with an entire setup. Never fill your tank to the maximum volume. I don’t want him to fall ill and I definitely don’t want him to die! Price $11.95. Do they need to be the only fish in one tank, or are there certain fish that they can cohabitate with that they won’t attack? It is the largest know Betta species with males growing up 10 or 12 cm. Betta fish need plants and hiding places to feel safe. What is aquarium salt? I have personally found that it does keep my fish healthy and I rarely have a betta get ill. For general maintenance I use 1/2-teaspoon per 1-gallon of water. I have 5 Betta tanks all over my home for years and none of them have heaters or filters mainly because they are all in odd places that are far from outlets: hallway table, bathroom, kitchen island etc. Is adding salt problematic for any of the plants (anubias, java moss, water sprite)? The most common ingredients are meat, fish, and shrimp. He came with some fin curling when I got him but its starting to get a bit worse in conjuction with the not eating. Thanks in advance for your time! Can I just use a turkey baster (one just for the tank)? I immediately did a full cleaning w/water conditioner. Also, is your tank heated? If the temperature is too low, purchase a small aquarium heater (e.g. The first betta fish didn’t enter the United States until 1910. Thanks! I’ve had him for about a week now. Feeding once per day should be 3-4 pellets. Pretty sad. Always acclimate your betta fish when re-introducing them to their tank after a complete water change. Hey I’m getting a Betta and considering getting a frog to go with him will it work. It has been a week and he is still staying at bottom of tank only swims up to get air and seems to breath heavily when he gets back to bottom. Nitrate: 0/20 PPM Blood worms, brine shrimp, daphnia and white worms are ideal. This forces the pH level of the water to get out of a healthy range. but lately the tank has been getting dirtier a lot faster. A great addition for someone short on space. I forgot to tell you that my Betta doesn’t poop, or at least I haven’t seen him poop, all I see is thrown up balls of the food that I give him. No bowls. However, one tail patch appears thickened, almost lichen-like, and kind of shrivelled at edges: these patches do not look like any skin disease photos I’ve ever seen, though, and he acts perfectly healthy. This is gonna be kinda sad, just a fair warning. Can the blue light do harm to bettas? Pembayaran mudah, pengiriman cepat & bisa cicil 0%. I think I should be adding water purifier drops each time I add even a little water?? Hi Elle. Not eating either. Tanks under 3 gallons will need more frequent and complete water changes to avoid dangerous levels of ammonia. Now i am worried i got the wrong tank. The labyrinth organ allows them to extract oxygen from the air and not just the water via their gills. They musk. Love this site! If you are set on getting them tank mates, the most compatible options are small, gentle bottom-dwellers such as Corydoras or khuli loaches. It’s totally normal for a Betta put pellets in the mouth and spit out. This stems, by and large, from (1) expectations that bettas can be maintained on the cheap and (2) widespread exaggerations of their hardiness. Average Lifespans, Swim up to investigate when you get close to their habitat, Are aggressive and may flare at you or other stimuli, Loss of appetite for extended periods of time. A male Crowntail Betta can become the centerpie… Giant Betta for Sale. Aquarium test strips are great to have on hand for this. Recently, the first baby betta I had bought died. Thank you, He still has a little bulge on the back end where I think the swim bladder is. Yes, I would have purchased a larger tank and one with a lid. They can be peaceful and live with select tank mates depending on their temperament. Thank you so much for your feedback and that’s awesome Meg. But the problem is, it has to be on the filing cabinet where there is no access to an outlet for a heater. Betta fish need access to the water’s surface to gulp air using their unique labyrinth organ. The lifespan of your king betta, like any other betta, ranges depending on a number of factors. Telegram us! (I don’t have a typical day and night schedule as he would flare and get upset when I turned off than light). Can you please tell me what might be the reason. Males are the opposite being larger in size, they have brighter coloring (bright green, blue, red, etc. Fast forward a couple days later and I noticed one of my other bettas had a fungal infection. Why isn’t my boy accepting the girly? Betta fish prefer water in the pH range of 6.5-7.5. My husband let the bleach soak the tank and all of the tank components for about 24 hours. And I’m also wondering if euthanasia would be best for him if it is dropsy… Thank you. The giant betta (Betta anabantoides) is a type of freshwater ray-finned fish in the Macropodusinae subfamily, part of the gourami family. You can also add Indian Almond Leaves which can help prevent/cure the fin rot too. I just got him last week and the first couple of days wer going great as he was eating and exploring his surroundings. The darker the better. Nitrite should ideally be zero parts per million (ppm). They’re very aggressive!We’ve heard a lot of comments about blood and short-tailed pythons, most of which aren’t very flattering to the snakes or encouraging to interested keepers! (It is more chalky looking now than shiny, though.) Fin rot is downright tough sometimes, but the best cure for me has always been maintaining a clean tank and using aquarium salt in small doses during each water change. My fish is a happy fish, he swims all around the bowl , eats pellets when I give . It mightjust be natural since my other Betta slowly turned orange. This affects what type of care you will need to provide him or her over time. 9 F, but my glass thermo says it at around 73-74 F. And on the 10 gallon tank. A 5-gallon filtered tank will only need 1-2 water cycles per week at around 25% of total volume and a 100% water change once per month depending on water quality. We are so happy to see him swimming about again and rushing to get his pellets. The rest of his day is spent resting on the back wall either near his heater or behind the filter, with an occasional swim through. When I moved her back i noticed neither of the fish had torn fins and there was no eggs anywhere to be found they just swam around peacefully together and I am very lost. I also have another fish that is sick. Hi! I have bare bottom tank though I don’t want build up. Hi Allison – my apologies for the delay in my response, your message got hidden. There is no special one, but a siphon is definitely helpful for bigger cleanings/cycles. Avoid drastic changes in water temperature and water quality. We are now gearing up to purchase another, but are dealing with the effects of how we handled the first fish’s death. A meal portion should be equal to about 5% of a betta’s body size. It lived in a small bowl, Was happy, and used no water conditioner. That is very dangerous for your betta. When I turn it off at night time, the light rotates different ‘dull’ colours such as red, green, pink, blue etc.

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