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iquique tsunami 2014

The total seismic moment is estimated to be 1.22 × 1021 N m (Mw = 8.0), assuming a rigidity of 50 GPa for all subfault patches, which is slightly smaller than that given by USGS (Mw= 8.2). It is concluded that the frictional effects are negligible and that the overall nonlinearity is also small except for some stations in shallow water. On April 1, 2014 at 20:46:50 local time (23:46:50 UTC), a Mw8.2 megathrust earthquake, with a depth of 20.1 km and epicenter 95 km NW from Iquique, ruptured an estimated surface of about 40 km (strike) by 30 km (dip) with a maximum slip of about 6.5 m (USGS). A magnitude-8.8 quake and ensuing tsunami in central Chile in 2010 killed more than 500 people, destroyed 220,000 homes, and washed away docks, riverfronts and seaside resorts. The simulated time series of water surface elevation at 10 tide gauges are shown in Figure 6. Aldo Solimano / AFP / Getty Images Photo: Vehicles and boats lie on the shore after a tsunami hit the northern port of Iquique, April 2, 2014. The epicenter given by USGS' W‐phase moment tensor solution (19.642°S, 70.817°W) and the hypocenter depth of 20.1 km are used in the present model. Other uncertainties in the geological parameters and the simplifications adopted in the present model also require further investigation. The time step used in the simulation is specified according to the Courant‐Friedrichs‐Lewy criterion. A 8.2 magnitude-quake hit off the northern coast, killing 6 and displacing 80,000. The maximum positive vertical displacement of 1.54 m is located at (19.75°S, 70.75°W). A loader was crushed by a falling metal structure and died of the injuries afterwards. Prediction of tsunami waves using different slip models: blue thin = DART data, red thick = free surface elevation using the tsunami‐inverted slip model, black dashed = using USGS' version 1 of their seismic‐inverted model, and magenta dash‐dotted = using USGS' version 2 of USGS' seismic inverted model. The overall agreement in terms of arrival time, wave amplitude, and waveform of the leading waves is satisfactory, which supports the finite fault model. The tsunami data at DART stations are first processed to remove the tide using polynomial fitting and then used in an inverse algorithm to find the slip distribution. The number above the data curve is the DART station number, as shown in Figure. The total seismic moment is 1.22 ×10, Comparisons between the measured water elevation data and the synthetic waveforms at three DART stations. Finally, by changing the strike angle from 350° to 340°, no significant difference appears in the solutions. The initial water surface profile mimics the seafloor displacement under the assumption of instantaneous rupture. Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low-quality. It is not clear if the bathymetry feature is realistic. Residents walk to higher ground after a 7.6 magnitude quake, following Tuesday's earthquake and tsunami, in Iquique on April 2, 2014. This earthquake triggered a tsunami, which hit coastal areas in northern Chile. The rake angle is assumed to be 90°, which means that only the updip slip on the fault plane is considered as the tsunami source. Mejillones, Antofagasta, Paposo, Taltal, and Chanaral are located farther south of the epicenter, and the arrival times stretch from 30 min to 60 min. Geophysics, Geomagnetism The comparison of simulated results and observations at coastal gauges. According to the USGS, the earthquake struck 62 miles from Iquique, Chile. For both DART32401 and DART32402, the arrival time, wave amplitude, and crest duration of the leading wave are reproduced almost perfectly. In the numerical model the bathymetry in the vicinity of the harbor is not resolved; more importantly, the harbor configuration is not included in the model. [27] The tsunami warning was canceled for both Chile and Peru at around 4:58 UTC on 2 April. [11][12] The 8.2 earthquake was smaller than what was expected, with a rupture of 200 km (120 mi) in length instead of the expected 600 km (370 mi) rupture. Selon le Centro Sismológico Nacional (centre sismologique chilien), l'épicentre se trouve à 89 kilomètres des côtes de Cuya13 et à 83 …

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