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most powerful ethnic group in the world

I don’t care about Porch monkeys or if they have to eat canned food. These people have also been known to believe in the triple religion theories that exist among them. If Trump wants to make America ‘great again’ him, or any other other leader, would need to really paint a black and white (literally) picture of what the US actually is. And how about the Scots!? they can easily associate with other blacks (and they do) because they are less ethnically diverse, there are fewer ethnic groups of blacks than whites – if your white in the USA no one knows what the fuck they are and so they have a mix mash of different subtle traditions and religions and ideas and shit; i.e. Some of them are even non conformists. Every nuance and distinction cannot be made within 1000 words. I’ve been to Cairo and they looked Arab to me. Do you think Jews are the most powerful ethnic group in the US or even the world? I hate the hell out of your article, because it is so blatantly true and such a tragic reflection of what humanity has become at the hands of the TOP TWO abusers, nevermind the rest of the high economic status of the power elite worldwide. 6k. At least it would be wise to put iberians because for sure we influenced all parts of the globe, unlike many on this biased list. And according to general female opinion, Iberians (Spaniards and Portuguese) rank consistently among the hottest and best looking men in the world. Do we wanna become China, or India, or Mexico? …i wanted to say 9 out of 10 They are also called by the name of the Kinh. Mestizos and black Americans are some of the most formidable motherfuckers on earth. It’s culture and values that determine who you will become. Anyways, I’m sort of spamming hard here, simply think this shit is important and its unfortunate ethnic diversity seperates us hard, but it doesn’t have too. Being American in the Philippines means nothing; anybody who is anybody is a Chinese-Filipino. Like me. ‘nuanced’ is code word for – “oh its all very technical and sophisticated, blah blah blah” – its like some shit white progressives boomer college teachers say to sound ‘intellectual’ – I mention it cuse you used it in your article in a slightly laughable way, and then just now you used it again -not to play ‘semantic’ police but maybe brush up a bit more on your jargon is all, or better yet, tell us about some of these ‘nuances’ – or do you expect everyone here to extrapolate everything your saying using inductive logic alone? Miguel c. il y a 1 décennie. Their common characteristic is only because of the culture or the inheritance that they have been through. I think the Greeks might argue that. Never buy anything made in China, especially high ticket items like the Communist made iPhones and iAnything. Brazilian ethnic group consists of the people who have been associated with Brazil in one way or the other. If America can accept unashamedly it’s origins (civil war, colonialism, etc.) young men. Bhutan – it measures prosperity by gauging its citizens’ happiness levels, not the GDP. To drain the kingdom’s reserves will take a while, though, and in the meantime the country can continue to finance various Wahhabi institutes, Sunni mosques, and even militant jihadists around the world. Not much left in the way of original English tribes. Via: . China will sooner or later be the world’s leading economy, and is already the third largest in terms of... 2. The Chinese?!? yeah good point about the applachians, theres a good book called Hillbilly Elegy about a family from Kentucky’s Appalachia region who moved to Ohio in the hopes of escaping the poverty…a dreary read but explains a lot. Brazil is far bigger than most maps suggest. How the Most Mysterious Ethnic Group in the World Lives in Japan. How many refugees want to break into India? again because they recognized at the time that certain ethnic groups were less desirable and causing a lot of problems, while others were not. Same for Arabs. Because all of these NATIONALITIES contain MULTIPLE ‘native’ ethnic groups. The country’s major channel for broadcasting an alternative, pro-Russian worldview, Russia Today, has recently suffered a setback, potentially leading to less cultural and political influence in the West and elsewhere. You can come from the worst nation state on earth but be free in your soul and at peace with God and your womenfolk and children. Their colonies are not that great either-compare Brazil to Australia, for example. God forbid anybody EVER think about changing something to become more sensible. The blondes are from Viking raiders, and the dark hairs are French from the Norman invasion. Ethnic diversity is one form of the social complexity found in most contemporary societies. Indians follow (((their))) agenda especially the elites. I agree with you. They practice the Hindu religion but besides being a Hindu they are more into the worship of Shakta and Vaishnava tradition. The Sopranos were a small-time ragtag batch at the end, but in the 80’s they were powerful. The Ainu, or the Aynu, is an East Asian ethnic group indigenous to Japan. It consists of the 77,000,000 people in their group making them eligible to be in our list of the largest ethnic group in the world. People generally want out of India, not in. The reasons for that are many but mainly that China’s population is rapidly aging while the USA is declining across the entire spectrum. While Japan’s economy and their political strivings remain largely insular, it’s still the world’s third largest economy and number seven in terms of military capacity. Italian-Americans stand out a mile because they are Arabs. and because it’s much larger neighbor Spain is ALSO a bit of a backwater beyond a few key cities. American businesses would start thriving again. History is known for the past 8000 years and you see white people going all ape-shit how they created the world. places like Chicago and Atlanta for starters. The english rule the UK. These aren’t safe either and occasionally there are maniacs born everywhere. I’m guessing some Jew merchants too. Also, Italians invented the radio (Marconi) and discovered America. Russia is not in the top ten of the world’s leading economies but second regarding military, and consequently political power. These people have been very powerful and have ruled various parts of the world in history. I like that you brought up how its more or less obvious what different ethnic whites look like, my point was more about how those groups (polish, irish, italian) have culuteral residue left over; i.e. They concern me as much less than cockroaches in my villa. Vietnamese ethnic group consists of the people that have been originated from the ancient Vietnam and the parts of China which is today called as the South China. The languages that they speak are Portuguese, Indigenous, Pomeranian and German. These people live in the parts of the countries such as Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey Iraq and Caucasus. The point is the subtle contrast between their old ancestry and their lack of any ‘new’ idenity with the U.S. I should have said subjective or personal opinion. No balls. And I know other countries had empires too so not just WASP’s but they take a large chunk of the blame. Watch out for Berlusconi et al. Now you don’t want to fuck with North Africans necessarily but they are not that scary. If readers are just a bit congenial they realize that I am 95% correct. Oh one last thing – notice the ethnic groups in the military; Whites, Blacks, Japanese / Pacific Islanders – all have high T counts, or higher then say Chinese. It’s about those who hold power now, not in 1497 or 1932. Maid’s anus…is that like tennis elbow or carpal tunnel syndrome or something? Ethnicity does not matter. The Ainu, or the Aynu, is an East Asian ethnic group indigenous to Japan. You have to take into consideration that Brazil imported a bunch of Africans. Bit like when Andy murray is British when he wins but scottish when he loses. im no different. The vast majority of those groups retain their culuteral heritage and languages from either China or Mexico and use American as a vehicle to expand their indigenious culutre. Bengalis are those people who live in the parts of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, South Korea and Japan. I am in Cyprus now, and it’s true that wealthy Russians are buying large parts of the island. Camorra IMHO. 15. Fortunately, they do not travel well and cannot afford to live overseas or even spell the word passport. The total number of the people that come under this ethnic group is between 22,000,000 to 35,000,000 and is in fact the tenth largest ethnic group in the whole world. But precisely Portugal was mostly predominant in the Indian Ocean and Africa. If going by history, can’t leave out Phoenicians, Egyptians, Arabs, Greeks, Romans. Portugal set up shop on three different continents outside of Europe during it’s imperial heyday. International cooperation will never stop population explosion.

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