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sleepy town in kazakhstan

Almaty is a surprisingly modern city. Neither residents nor medics blame radiation for the sleepy traveled to the area to undertake its own investigation. Krasnogorsk, now a ghost town, had once been home to the miners of nearby uranium mines, which had been left abandoned following the fall of the Soviet Union in the 1990s. When these otherwise healthy adults finally awoke from their trances, they didn’t remember anything that had happened, even the times when they had seemed awake enough to eat or talk or have a cigarette, as BuzzFeed reported during a week-long investigative trip to the region. The ailment has affected hundreds people living nearby a uranium mine in the Kazakh village of Kalachi. Anyone can be affected without warning. Other patients behave "like they're drunk." they're back to normal life – until they feel abnormally sleepy Some doctors say that mass psychosis is to blame. The air was tested for carbon monoxide. decades ago, and the area is now partly abandoned. ). Maybe.Â. Despite numerous attempts to find the cause of the inexplicable disorder, the Sleepy Hollow riddle remains unsolved. locals. First reported in 2013 in Kalachi, a village in the northern part of Kazakhstan, 14% of the population has been affected. 'Sleeping Sickness': The Mysterious Village in Kazakhstan … No symptoms of sleepiness have been described in studies of that they might one day simply not wake up. Under siege by the seemingly endless steppes of central Kazakhstan, Astana was until 1998 a sleepy rural town called Aqmola, on the banks of the Ishim River. What used to Still, the causes and consequences of the Residents of Kazakhstan's sleepy village to be resettled in 2016. The city itself has an interesting structure, as it's divided into a few parts, and each part has its own square with a church. Kalachi ( Kazakh: Кaлaчи, Kalachı ), previously Kalachevskiy, is a rural locality in Esil District of Akmola Region, Kazakhstan. All rights reserved. A bizzare illness causing residents in a Kazakhstan town to fall asleep for days at random could finally be explained. Kazachenko had been hit by the so-called “sleeping sickness” that is plaguing Kalachi, a remote village about 300 miles west of the country’s capital Astana. radiologists, and toxicologists – have visited the village to The disease disappeared for some time but has re-emerged in mid-2015. Many suspected the nearby uranium mines that were closed after the fall of the Soviet Union, leaving Krasnogorsk a ghost town with only 130 of its former 6,500 residents. People in Kalachi have been suffering from the "sleep Directory of Cities, Towns, and Regions in Kazakhstan are at a normal 16 micro-roentgen per hour, the RTD team's dose have never read Washington Irving's 'Legend of Sleepy Hollow,' or "People worked in mines for so many years, and no one fell Krasnogorsk has been left virtual ghost town since the closure of the neighbouring uranium mine. Some guesthouses can be booked online – check for reservations here – others you may need to call ahead or just show up. A former garrison for the Siberian Cossacks, Aqmola was the centre of many ambitious Soviet-era land reforms. Since Spring of 2013, one in 10 of the 600 villagers of Kalachi are falling asleep in broad daylight and no one seems to know why. It’s with Air Astana that I travel to see the other side of Kazakhstan. A small village in Kazakhstan which has succumbed to a mysterious ailment – its dwellers keep falling asleep for no apparent reason. By the time the announcement came in the summer of 2015, 150 people had already moved away, while another 240 were on a list of people seeking resettlement. but can't. sleepy condition remain unknown, leaving those affected to fear The problem was first reported in 2010, and the government is now taking action against the bizarre epidemic. hallucinations (one boy was picking snails off himself), memory More than 100 people fell ill at some point. abandoned filled-in shaft mine further from the village. People have also described further symptoms, including In one of the recent cases, children started falling down on the again. RTD. On summer weekends when the town gets a little crowded, it may be best to book in advance. difficult to warn others and ask for help, as "your tongue Finally, in the summer of 2015, authorities announced that they had discovered the culprit: high concentrations of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons coming from the mines caused a lack of oxygen in the air in the area. Almaty is the former capital of Kazakhstan and the largest city of the country. Fall and winter can also be quite harsh, but the close proximity to the mountains does provide ample opportunities for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter sports.If coming in the wi… List of Cities and Towns in Kazakhstan. One man even woke up in the Kazakh capital of Astana, unable to remember being on the plane that brought him there. epidemic" – as they call it – for the past couple of years. "If you try to wake him, it seems he wants to open his eyes – It's Villagers at Kalachi and Krasnogorsky, which stand roughly 600 meters apart, started complaining about strange onsets of sleepiness, nausea and hallucinations in March 2013. When they woke up, often days later, they remembered nothing. In January 2015, reports said that over half of the village's population planned to move elsewhere. pairs of boots, and my head is spinning," one woman told The mine closed over two samples did not identify anything abnormal. An week.”. The disease is probably non-communicable. watched the popular American TV series or film – but they refer Story: The Sleeping Sickness of Kazakhstan. address the issue. Were people being poisoned? It details the period of political repression and the system of GuLag in Kazakhstan (KarLag) through an extensive exhibition with explanations in … They couldn’t stop falling asleep. fallen asleep for no apparent reason, with over 100 people having Sleepy Hollow, Kazakhstan A mysterious sleeping disease plagues inhabitants of a small village For two years the villagers of Kalachi in Kazakhstan have been suffering from an inexplicable disorder, where they fall asleep for no apparent reason. In 2013, the residents of Kalachi, a small village in Kazakhstan, began to take to their beds with a mysterious illness. But after several days in intensive care, The leading hypothesis is that the residents of Kalachi are suffering the effects of radiation poisoning, since the town is close to a uranium mine that adheres to the stringent regulations you could expect from Kazakhstan (lol! People felt nauseous and dizzy; they hallucinated, ranting about images only they could see and at times becoming borderline violent. What happened was that the people afflicted began to sleep for astonishingly long periods of time and were not able to awaken to resume their normal day to day lives. Over 600 residents of Kalachi village in Kazakhstan's north may have never read Washington Irving's 'Legend of Sleepy Hollow,' or watched the popular American TV series or film – but they refer to their homeland as "Sleepy Hollow," as everyone there is scared of an indiscriminate illness that has no cure. Doctors could find nothing wrong with the patients, and no factors to tie them all together.Â. He's sleeping and sleeping..." Igor Samusenko, Saule Agymbaeva, deputy head of Esil district said some 140 people living in the Kalachi village have been resettled to other places, RIA Novosti reported. gets twisted." ... has been completed. encephalopathy, a brain malfunction, adults are said to have They call it Sleepy Hollow. within one hour. There are several much nicer looking hotels and guesthouses in town along the main road, though they are quite a bit more expensive. Sleep hollow is a possible medical disease in humans causing them to sleep for days or weeks at a time. first day of school in September, with eight kids falling asleep Still, a radiologist who had been studying the outbreak told BuzzFeed that the verdict was “only the working theory,” and that researchers were still studying the medical anomaly. The issue has plagued the town of Kalachi in Kazakhstan, now nicknamed “Sleepy Hollow,” for months. be a prosperous neighborhood is now left in ruins. Newspapers (and mental_floss) called it a “sleeping sickness” (unrelated to the African sleeping sickness transmitted by flies) and multiple investigations into the causes—patients’ ages and schedules, the town’s air quality, the food and water people were consuming—turned up nothing. of an indiscriminate illness that has no cure. The affliction was apparently not much of a bother in the beginning. The best museum in Kazakhstan stands silent in a sleepy town called Dolinka, some 50 km out of Karaganda. Read RT Privacy policy to find out more. Scientists are baffled by a mysterious illness that has sent hundreds of people into days-long slumbers various diseases. father of a child who is suffering from the illness, told RTD. … THERE’S something really strange happening in a Kazakhstan town, residents keep falling asleep, sometimes for up to six days at a time. Doctors say that "some people [have] slept for the whole "I'm weak, my legs feel heavy, as if I'm wearing a hundred Even a cat was affected.Â, This happened again and again over the course of several months, with waves of residents falling prey to the sickness in the beginning of 2014, then later that spring, then again that summer. In the evenings, it can cool off quite a bit, since Almaty is located very close to the Zailiyskiy Alatau mountain range. rate meter showed an alarming 268 micro-roentgen per hour at an suffered strokes. Every tenth villager of Kazakhstan's Kalachi has unexpectedly fallen asleep in broad daylight – some unable to wake up for several days. It’s the gateway of many travelers who start their journey in the country or travel to the neighboring country Kyrgyzstan. Sleeping sickness traps Kazakh town in waking nightmare. loss, dizziness, and nausea. It was first reported in March 2013 and to date it has affected 152 people. Some blame ghosts, others – closed uranium mines … Unable to find an explanation to the scary sleepy sickness which has plagued Kazakhstan’s Kalachi village, the government has been forced to resettle its residents somewhere else. In 2012-2013, a mysterious affliction began to take hold of almost all the residents of Kalachi, a small village in Kazakhstan. In 2014, it was reported that almost a fifth of the population had been affected with a ' sleep syndrome '. laid them in rows," an ambulance worker told RTD, which Subscribe to RT newsletter to get stories the mainstream media won’t tell you. several days, and "at least 60 at once in the winter...we to their homeland as "Sleepy Hollow," as everyone there is scared independent analysis of Kalachi's water, soil, and vegetation Everyone in the village has a family member or a friend who's But after years of study, the Kazakh government thinks it has figured out the underlying cause of the outbreak. from a mine near Kalachi. This place was for a long time forgotten. Temperatures in the summer months can reach extremely humid highs, up to 40C/104F on some days. anomaly. asleep," former miners say. Possible Causes Of The Sleeping Illness in Kazakhstan. Doctors had trouble diagnosing the disease that affected about one in 10 people. Over 600 residents of Kalachi village in Kazakhstan's north may Before that, 20 people fainted and slept for People’s hair and fingernails were tested for radiation. Or was it just a case of mass psychogenic illness (essentially mass hysteria), like the “dancing plague” or the numerous population-wide panics throughout history over shrinking penises? This disease has only been reported in a remote village of Kalachi in Kazakhstan. They couldn’t stop falling asleep. This website uses cookies. top secret due to uranium mining. About a quarter of residents in a small town in Kazakhstan have fallen into a deep sleep for days at a time—and no one knows why. Many believe the extreme sleepiness is caused by the wind blowing People seem to be falling asleep for a great length of time, waking only after weeks spent in slumber in a state that doctors describe as comatose. In the hills of central Istria, one well-kept secret is hidden. various forms of radiation disease, doctors say. In late December of that year, scientists from the National Nuclear Center of Kazakhstan confirmed this explanation. The first reported case of the sleeping sickness came in 2010, in a neighboring village. © Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “TV-Novosti”, 2005–2021. experienced it by now – some more than once – according to While children are being cured from toxic In 2013, the mystery took on new urgency as eight different people from Kalachi (a town of just 640) fell asleep over one weekend, unable to stay awake for any longer than it took to go to the bathroom or eat a little food. A sleepy town Gračišće full of history, old buildings and rocky streets will blow your mind. While radiation levels in the town and at the mine closest to it Other Versions 1. People suffering from the sleeping sickness are diagnosed with In 2013, the residents of Kalachi, a small village in Kazakhstan, began to take to their beds with a mysterious illness. … The nearby uranium mines were a likely culprit, and scientists tested the earth, water, and local food for radon, a gas known to cause cancer. That’s what’s happening in Kalachi, Kazakhstan, where over 100 of the town’s 680 residents have fallen victim to a mysterious disease even the doctors are comparing to Washington Irving’s “Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” Kalachi has been named Sleepy Hollow for its strange sleep epidemic. It was reported last December that the town suffered from this. In Soviet times, the village was deemed The … Groups of scientists and medics – including virologists, Imagine these people cannot be woken up and stay in this sleep for up to six days.

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