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what is the third tier of government known as

Mention any two. Suppose the Govt, of Rajasthan was opposed to the Central Government’s nuclear policy, could it prevent the Govt, of India from conducting the nuclear tests ? The three tiers of the government are: First Tier- Central Government; Second Tier-State Government; and Third Tier-Local self-Government. First-tier destinations might be the easiest to define. India is a federal republic with three spheres of government: central, state and local. Question 22. Such areas are like Chandigarh or Lakshadweep or the Capital city of Delhi. Answer: Question 6. (2) There is division of powers between different levels of governments. It has also made administration easier. Or The local government is by its very nature that vital arm of public governance, and the true measure of our autonomy from an overwhelming behemoth state. So there should be trust and agreement to live together. Adequate resources have not been provided to local bodies. CBSE Class 10 Civics Chapter 2 Extra Questions and Answers Federalism Pdf free download are part of Extra Questions for Class 10 Social Science. The regional governments were no longer dependent on the central government. The Central government can grant them powers and take back at any time. (vitag.Init = window.vitag.Init || []).push(function(){viAPItag.display("vi_949932995")}). Abundant dining, entertainment and attraction options for attendees (57 percent… They are typically the biggest convention cities in the country such as Chicago, Las Vegas, Orlando, etc. It has three lists viz Union list, State list and Concurrent list. (2) It is mandatory to hold regular elections to local government bodies. Adequate resources have not been given to them. (2) Suppose the Govt, of Sikkim plans to introduce new textbooks in its schools. The cells next above the embryonal tier constitute suspensor tier the third tier from below is called the rosette tier. (1) Rural local government is popularly known by the name panchayati raj. How many languages are recongnised as scheduled languages by the Indian Constitution ? What is jurisdiction ? Or Answer: Language Policy : The Constitution of India did not give the status of national language to any one language. Can the Prime Minister of India intervene and passs an order that all Chief Ministers will have to obey. Answer: Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site. The municipal councils began in 2005 and is the second level of local government. By Obi Nwakanma Answer: Thus therefore was the foundation of the Eastern Region’s local government act of 1954 which established country administrations and Town Councils and village committees. These are included in this list because we need a uniform policy on these matters throughout the country. In that case, does the state govt, need to take permission from the Union Govt, before these . The hands of local administrators have been tied behind their back, and the law makes them mere constitutional furniture on which the state governors with vast executive powers can sit on with impunity. The Constitution was amended in 1992 to make the third tier of democracy more powerful and effective. The House of Representatives may opt to pass for a vacancy of a legislative seat, which leads to a special election. (b)proper implementation of the programmes launched by any government for the locals. Nigeria runs a federal system of government. Question 24. The Northern and Western Regions chose to adopt the Native Administration system of local government while the Eastern Regional government under Azikiwe, after long and thoughtful deliberations in the Eastern Regional House of Assembly, chose to adopt the County council model of local government administration, because in their words, and following the various studies by government anthropologists, it was best suited to the democratic and republican traditions of the people of the East. It was, therefore, decided that English would continue along with Hindi for official pur­poses. Question 2. Answer: In case of any dispute about the division of powers, the High Courts and the Supreme Court make a decision. These distortions have to be corrected by legislation. (4) All powers are with the Central government. Answer: It works under the overall supervision of gram sabha. In case of any disputes about the division of powers which institution decides it ? 1. Although there have been some opposition to the creation of states on the basis of language etc., the experience has proved that the country became more united. Mayor. This has happened in various ways : About 36 lakhs. Question 15. Chairperson of municipal corporation is called the Mayor. The real governments of the towns remain, and must remain, the elected Town Union executives, not the foolish “fourth government” of Ezes, warrant chiefs, proctors and proconsuls appointed by the Nero of Douglas House. (5) One-third of all positions are reserved for women. Answer: 2. (3) The examples of this type of federations are the USA, Switzerland and Australia. Distinguish between ‘coming together’ and ‘holding together’ types of federations. In case the laws conflict with each other, the law made by the Union Govt, will prevail. (1) The state governments are required to share some powers with the local government bodies. Question 23. These clearly verified needs must be the basis for grants made to the local governments because in the end our human service index must be the true basis for making fiscal planning and for distributing resources. (4) There was no reservation for SC/ST/ OBGs. Related questions 0 votes. State one advantage of formation of linguistic states. ” (3) The state governments or sub-units are answerable to the Central government. As in any federation, these different tiers enjoy separate jurisdiction. The success of federalism in India can be attributed to the nature of democratic politics in the country. This power must be a state power following various conventions. Explain any five features of Panchayati Raj system in India. Education is included in the concurrent list. [CBSE 2016-17] Give two examples of ‘coming together’ federation. Which government can make law on subjects included in the concurrent list ? Five features of the third tier of the government are. However, many non-Hindi speaking States demanded to continue the use of English, particularly in Tamil Nadu. Answer: What is the nature of Indian federal system ? The Constitution divides legistative powers between the Union Government and the State Governments. Both the central and state government can make laws on this subject. Answer: Question 12. Answer: The members of municipal committees and municipal corporations are also elected by the people. (7) Sources of revenue are divided among different levels of government. Answer: Question 11. Elections are held regularly but for gram sabhas are not held regularly. There is absolutely no question that the constitution of the federation of Nigeria establishes the local government as the third-tier of government. Question 5. The spirit of federalism, respect for diversity and desire for living together has become a shared ideal. The State Governments alone can make laws relating to these subjects. State difference between the local government before and after the constitutional amendment in 1992. Question 29. Thus, there is still a long way to achieve the ideal of self government. (i) Now it is mandatory to hold regular elections to local government bodies. Thus there is a need of power sharing within these states, for which third-tier of government is created. Reasonable people think this erases the capacity of the local governments to act and to govern and should be rethought. A third-tier of federation was added in the form of Panchayats and Municipalities. (2) Elections to local bodies were not held regularly. (5) The Central government alone can make constitutional amendment like an ordinary law. What happened in Pokharan ? Local government in Australia is the third level of government division in Australia, and is administered by the states and territories, which in turn are beneath the federal level. That is to say, that the uniform legislation that standardized local government administration, taking its cue and life from the reports of the Dasuki Panel commissioned by the military regime under General Obasanjo forms the basis of conflict today in Nigerian federalism. Question 8. Panchayat is the decision-making body of the entire village. (1) Generally, there is only one level of government. 3. Coalition government was formed at the center. The Union Government has the power to legislate on ‘residuary’ subjects.

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