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what nuts can gerbils eat

As I already mentioned, you can give healthy snacks to your gerbils found in nature or supermarkets. See Answer. A single gerbil will drink up to 150 ml per month (around 5 ml daily) depending on the age, temperature and exercise levels. So can gerbils eat cashews? This means that you can give treats such as the ones I mentioned above once a week. Gerbils can eat cheerios but only the original one. In this article, you’ll learn everything about the gerbil diet. Garlic, onion, chives, and leeks, and other foods from the Allium family are, depending on the amount, toxic for small pets. This can lead to obesity in your gerbils. Also, be wary about feeding them nuts found on the ground outside. 0 0. Other vitamins and minerals aren’t nutritional but help to keep your gerbils healthy. They can only eat plain nuts. Salty nuts lead to dehydration, while the artificial flavors contain harmful chemicals that the gerbil cannot process. You can do so by either using velcro or by using magnets. However, you can feed vegetables, fruits, plants, and herbs more. This transition consists of a four-week plan: Gerbils love foraging and it’s best to scatter a bit of food around the cage for them to look for and keep them busy. The dishes can be tipped over if they’re not heavy enough and eventually the dish will be filled with substrate, feces, and urine. Let’s take a look a their nutritional data and find out more. Goodluck. Nutritional value per 100 grams Energy 2,738 kJ (654 kcal) Carbohydrates 13.71 Starch 0.06 Sugars lactose 2.61 0 Dietary fiber 6.7 Fat 65.21 Saturated … Gerbils eat nuts in the wild, but feeding too many nuts to a pet can make the pet fat. Finding your suitable readers for backyard wildlife food chuck a nut is not easy. In the list below you can find good (safe) vegetables and bad vegetables for gerbils. They contain the right proportions of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Most owners that use lab blocks for gerbils use the ones that are made for mice and rats. However while these dried seed mixtures certainly have their place, they are far from the be-all and end-all of a gerbil’s diet. 4. brazil nuts. However, if you want to bond, they can also be hand-fed as you are handling the little fellow. Leafy vegetables such as endive, lettuce, and celery can be given daily but all other kinds of (safe) vegetables should only be given once or twice a week. Animals usually lose the enzymes that are required to digest milk after weaning. There are several ways that bananas are eaten, and several ways that you can … Cheerios is … Giving gerbils lot of … For this reason, it’s best to stay away from giving rhubarb and rhubarb leaves altogether. But only a small amount of nuts and seeds is right for Gerbil because all of these are high in … Avoid raw kidney beans, raw potato, onion, potato leaves, and rhubarb leaves. Gerbils don’t need to drink a lot, but they need to be given fresh water daily. Gerbils can also eat seeds, and legumes such as peanuts. They are high in fats but very low in calcium and other needed nutrients. Are Gerbils Illegal in California? Gerbils eat nuts in their raw form, as that is how they can get all their nutrients. Sadly there are not a lot of different lab blocks being explicitly sold for gerbils. A simple answer to this question is yes, gerbil can eat bananas. Healthy treats like … Share. You can feed fresh vegetables and herbs occasionally. Let’s take a look at their nutritional data and find out more. Giving non-leafy vegetables more than this can lead to digestive problems (including bloating). Not all fruit is safe for your gerbil. Dried raisins have a better texture for gerbils but they are highly nutritious for their weight but they lose some vitamins and minerals in the drying process. Everybody loves to get some treats from time to time and gerbils are no exception to this. This means they are not the best food for gerbils. Chestnuts are a kind of nut that’s popular during the winter. Micromanaging a diet won’t be easy, and a small difference of only one or two percent seems difficult to calculate. This can lead to heart disease in the long run and female gerbils can even become sterile when they’re fed too much fat. Avoid feeding salted, cooked, or flavored nuts to a gerbil. Pumpkin seeds. As I already mentioned, gerbils are foragers and will often empty their food bowl. From a dried seed mix to eggs, fruit twigs, vegetables, and fruits, there is plenty of food sources that Gerbil can eat: Nuts & seeds: Nuts and seeds are good sources of protein for gerbils, and they love to eat a variety of nuts and seeds like walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds. So, it is recommended that only store-purchased nuts are fed to a gerbil. I was thinking specifically of ones with a shell that's a bit difficult for them to open, make it … The salt and artificial flavoring in these nuts are unhealthy for your pet. They also need bedding to create nests. In particular, their acidic, water, phosphorus, sugar, salt, calcium, and fat content that is most pertinent as far as gerbils are concerned, as it affects them the most in the foods that they eat. 1 decade ago. Therefore, the exact diet of a wild gerbil can vary depending on their geographical location and the time of year, but all gerbils eat roughly the same foods. You can read more about the safe kinds of fruits and veg to feed your gerbil here. If you want to treat your gerbils and try to replicate some of their behaviour in captivity that they would experience in the wild, you can feed them live insects. Since the artificial colors are only used to pleasure the gerbil owner and don’t have any other use, it’s best to avoid such foods. Top Answer. peanuts in their shells :-/ Thanks Caroline Gerbils can eat chestnuts. Like all other pets, all you need to do is ensure that your gerbil has fresh, clean, and healthy food. Rabbits require food consisting primarily of high-fiber items like hay, while gerbils get their sustenance from a diet of seeds and grains. “bad” fruit, vegetables, seeds, and nuts. Very little amount of salt may be beneficial to some extent however. In captivity, a high-quality and well-balanced gerbil mix should be given. Some gerbil owners will occasionally give their gerbils fruit. You can feed them raw nuts like; hazelnuts, cashews, peanuts, and walnuts. Your pets can also eat whole grain bread and breakfast cereal that does not have sugar. Fruits like bananas or apples are also appropriate for gerbils to eat. If you’re looking for ready-to-go snacks for your gerbils, I would recommend the following snacks: Only give small amounts of treats and only occasionally. It’s best to avoid mixes with too many sunflower seeds in them or remove them before giving them. Gerbils love nuts. The smaller pellets can be shattered around the cage to promote foraging. Gerbils can eat fruits like bits of pear and apple. Pumpkin seeds are a healthier option and may be given more frequently because they are significantly lower in fat. Avoid these bad nuts at all costs because they can lead to serious health issues. Watermelon seeds Pistachio nuts Almonds Cashews Hazelnut Brazil nuts Pine nuts Other: Millet (good for shiny, healthy coats, but can cause hyperactivity—feed with caution!) Avoid nuts that are cooked or flavored since they are poisonous. Most adult animals don’t consume milk and are lactose intolerant, which means they can’t properly digest milk (products). Hamsters and gerbils have different nutritional needs. Gerbils can eat all kinds of food: all the constituent parts of plants including roots and leaves, berries, nuts and seeds, and insects. Lab blocks and pellet food do have a disadvantage: you can’t shatter them around the gerbil cage.   Give them raisins and currants. Only give seeds that are safe (see the list above). I don't know how else they could get to the nuts. You have two options to give water to your gerbils: a water bottle or a water dish. Share. If consumed in moderation – 3 to 4 pieces a day- it can be a nice daily healthy snack for your gerbils… The seeds of certain fruit contain small amounts of cyanide. Fruit & Vegetables. Gerbils have very different digestive systems to humans, adapted to the desert climate in which they evolved. Most artificial coloring won’t cause a lot of problems for your gerbils. They can also eat dry dog food and dry cat food temporarily. Share. Gerbils in the wild live in a quite arid environment and can go for extended periods without water. High amounts of protein (more than 20 percent) can cause liver damage, kidney stones, and skin lesions. @kylee07drg – A gerbil can eat sunflower seeds if they are uncooked and unsalted. Most gerbil owners will give seed mixes and seed mixes are also the most available as gerbil food. will usually be sufficient depending on the number of gerbils you house. Nuts that are salted, cooked, or flavored are poisonous for your gerbil. Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds can be offered sparingly since they are high in fat. This guide outlines some common foods that are appropriate for pet gerbils … Different Options to Feed Your Pet Gerbil . This means that nuts that are salted, roasted, sweetened, flavored, or have any other additives in them are not good for gerbils. However, all gerbils share the same main types of food that they eat. Give treats such as sunflower seeds, peanuts, commercial cereals and even fruit in moderation, as these foods can be fattening. They especially enjoy nuts that are still in their shells as they loved to chew through them to get to the main nut. Can gerbils eat rabbit food? Below are my recommended staple foods. Gerbils can eat chestnuts. Not all nuts are safe for your gerbil. Not all vegetables are safe for your gerbil. They are unable to eat a lot of the things that we can happily digest. Best Food and Diet for Gerbils. However, some research says that the compounds used for artificial coloring can cause kidney problems and other diseases. Wild gerbils will eat grasses but in captivity the best alternative is to give hay as it provides a way to chew and wear down the teeth. So can gerbils eat pine nuts? The problematic compound in the avocado is persin which can cause serious health issues and even death. Here are some nuts they might enjoy; Almonds, Brazil nuts, Cashew nuts, Chestnuts, Hazelnuts, Pecans, Peanuts, Pistachios, Walnuts and Pine nuts. Avoid these bad vegetables at all costs because they can lead to serious health issues and even death. Lab blocks look like large pieces of pellet food. It is essential to understand the specific nuts, seeds, grains, and twigs that gerbils can feed on. Like most rodents, gerbils love sunflower and pumpkin seeds.   Whole grain bread can be offered either plain or toasted. Don't give the citrus fruits or watery fruits (oranges, watermelon, etc). They can get hurt easily and need special care. Don’t give any (sweetened) breakfast cereals to your gerbils as this will hurt your gerbils’ health. In this article, we make a short list of the best readers for backyard wildlife food chuck a nut including detail information and customer reviews. It’s best to provide a seed mix or a combination of pellet food and a seed mix to your pet gerbils. Hi I was wondering what kind of nuts are ok for gerbils? From a dried seed mix to eggs, fruit twigs, vegetables, and fruits, there is plenty of food sources that Gerbil can eat: Nuts & seeds: Nuts and seeds are good sources of protein for gerbils, and they love to eat a variety of nuts and seeds like walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds. Gerbils love eating foods that have high nutritious value; you can give them foods that are vitamin-rich like bananas. The nuts and seeds should be uncooked and free of salt, seasonings, or other flavorings. The main diet will contain all vitamins and minerals that your gerbils need. Hamsters and dwarf hamsters need substrate to walk on and dig. You can sign in to vote the answer. They are often eaten as a snack and used in different recipes. This is why I would recommend a water bottle over a dish at any time. dairy products (except for yogurt, cheese, eggs) chocolate. However, you should offer these in moderation. But these are high in fat, so use these as treats. Because loose seed mixes don't insure a complete … In the list below, you can find good (safe) seeds and bad seeds for gerbils. But gerbils, just like many other pet rodents, are given too much treats way too often. They contain… Conclusion: Can gerbils eat almonds . If you throw in some nuts or even birdseed, that's fine too. To add some variety to the diet you can give treats but only occasionally since most treats are high in sugar and/or fat. for the most part, it doesnt matter which ones as long as that not all your feeding it. ). Now that you know about everything there is to know about the gerbil diet, I’ll give you 5 super practical tips and tricks for giving food and water to your gerbils: Most gerbils are omnivorous and can eat both plants and meat. Because they have tendencies to eat indiscriminately in captivity, certain foods should be limited to keep these small rodents from become overweight or even obese. For a good staple food, most gerbil owners will choose between: It all depends on your gerbils’ pickiness, but most gerbil owners will give seed mixes to their gerbils or use pellet food combined with a seed mix. Be careful with pecans and other nuts--depending if their salted and how they're treated it might not be good for them. Peanuts Sunflower Seeds Walnuts (slightly crack the shells and make the gerbils work to get at the meat!) And supply some untreated wood for them to chew. Vitamin and mineral supplements are – in general – not needed but can help prevent certain diseases. Gerbils can eat cheerios every day if eaten in moderation. They can only eat a few a time as nuts are in general very high in fat. Sweet and tasty, you might want to share some chestnuts with your gerbil. Dried Seed Mixes. Nuts. If you’re interested in learning more about gerbils as pets (or other pocket pets), please read the following articles: If you’re interested in getting gerbils as pets you should also definitely read our beginner’s guide to keeping gerbils as pets and our gerbil care guide. What nuts can gerbils eat l? Gerbils enjoy fruits and vegetables: try pears, apples, carrots and lettuce. You’ll learn what gerbils eat in captivity, when and how to feed them, and what foods you’ll have to avoid. You can find decent food bowls at local pet stores or online. The honey nut cheerios is too sweet for gerbils to consume. Unsweetened breakfast cereal often becomes a favorite treat for gerbils. shell4life February 5, 2013 . You can also give fresh or dried herbs and plants to your gerbils. Sweet and tasty, you might want to share some chestnuts with your gerbil. Fruit Twigs. Many people own and breed pet gerbils, and, like with all things, there are sometimes different views on what is a good brand of food and what isn’t. In particular we are interested in their acidic, water, sugar, fat, calcium, phosphorus and salt content as far as gerbils are concerned. It’s okay if you can’t seem to figure out what to feed your pet gerbil. I’m always interested in learning about new products so if you know about other good food or treats you can let me know by contacting me. Avoid salty or roasted peanuts, while you may enjoy eating these they are not good for your gerbil. Avoid muesli-style mixes as gerbils will leave the bits packed with fibre and will only eat the sugary parts. Sweet and tasty, you might want to share some chestnuts with your gerbil. While most of what gerbils eat should be a premade food mix, you can supplement that with seeds or give gerbils seeds as a snack.. Sesame seeds contain vital minerals like magnesium and calcium, plus lots of protein and fat too. Never give any of these foods to your gerbils! You can give some dairy products on (rare) occasions and in small amounts: Breakfast cereals are made for humans and even from a human perspective, they contain too much sugar. It’s best not to feed your gerbil more than 3 or 4 cheerios a day. In particular, processed items such … It’s recommended for new gerbil owners to stick with a commercial gerbil pellet food or seed mix and only give small amounts of fruit, vegetables, plants, and herbs around three times a week. Nuts & Seeds Gerbils Can Eat. Hi, I'm Lou. Gerbils are very active creatures and need to get enough energy from their food to stay healthy and happy. Foods for Gerbils. Chestnuts are a kind of nut that's popular during the winter. Also, take into account that gerbils are small animals and don’t eat that much. Since gerbils can get sick from too much fat and protein, it’s important to limit the number of treats you give and provide healthy treats. 0 0. pretty_n_punk. Gerbils can eat grapes either fresh or dried as raisins, fresh grapes do contain more water but also more nutrients and they are easy to handle for gerbils. My preference usually goes to a glass water bottle and if you use a partial wire cage you can easily use one. There are prepared snacks and snack packs available for gerbils in pet stores and online. In the list below, you can find good (safe) nuts and bad nuts for gerbils. A simple answer to this question is yes, gerbil can eat bananas. The reason is that their body is not designed to digest processed food. But providing your gerbil with the proper nutrition is essential to helping them lead a long, healthy, and happy life. Most insects are a good source of protein and fat. Cashew nuts are the seed of the cashew tree which is a tropical evergreen tree which also produces the cashew apple. Its a ton of wood in a knot that they chew and once they finish in the middle is a big walnut. Even if they are rich in minerals and vitamins, strawberries don’t have the protein, fat, carbohydrates, and other nutrients needed to support a gerbil’s health. Gerbils should have constant access to drinking water. Dry oatmeal is good. Zucchini, cucumber, and baby marrow all contain seeds that are poisonous to … You can buy suitable gerbil food at pet shops or on our online pet store. Read on to learn the essential components of your gerbil’s diet and to see our recommendations for feeding. There are smaller pellet foods for gerbils that look like kibble and also contain all nutrients. However, they make excellent occasional treats. Never. These snacks are often less healthy as natural products, but if you don’t overdo on treats you can give them once a week. The main diet (or staple food) of gerbils should consist of either a special gerbil mix, pellet food for gerbils or lab blocks, or a combination of these diets. Gerbils are omnivorous and can eat insects but only occasionally. Many pet owners compare the gerbil to the hamster, but it’s important to realize that these are two different animals. Gerbils can develop their own vitamin c and don’t necessarily need it in their diet. However, if your gerbils seem to be picky eaters and don’t eat all seeds (but only pick out the delicious ones), you can give pellet food that contains all nutrients in each pellet. Older gerbils will need a diet with less protein and fat. Ways Gerbils Can Eat Bananas. In addition to the formulated gerbil diets offered by pet stores, some gerbils enjoy the occasional fruit, nut, seed, or veggie as a treat. So can gerbils eat Walnuts at all? Gerbils don’t need huge water bottles, so a water bottle between 3 and 6 oz. In the wild, gerbils eat grassy seeds, leaves, nuts, berries, and hay. This is one of the main disadvantages of a seed mix. Vegetables can be fed to gerbils but should not be the main diet of pet gerbils. In the wild, gerbils don’t eat anything like beef or pork, for example. … But what substrate & bedding is safe? Avocado is considered poisonous to a lot of mammals and birds. Hi I was wondering what kind of nuts are ok for gerbils? Gerbils can eat a number of different fruits, such as small pieces of apple or pear. Contrary to some other pet rodent, hay doesn’t play an important role in the diet of wild and pet gerbils. Seed mixes can be shattered easily around the cage, promoting the natural foraging behavior of gerbils and keeping them busy during the day and night. Seeds and nuts. Chestnuts are a kind of nut that's popular during the winter. The only human foods that a gerbil should eat are some fruits and vegetables, and three or four varieties of unsalted nuts. Their exact nutritional needs are difficult to determine. You can use it to give pellet food and seed mixes but also for giving small treats. Water dishes are also available online and in stores but are not a good way to give your gerbils water. This means they won’t get a properly balanced diet. Gerbils can eat raw almonds among other raw nuts: RAW nuts and seeds are always best to give a gerbil, but unsalted/unflavored will work also. beginner’s guide to keeping gerbils as pets, All Living Things The Power of 5 Hamster & Gerbil Diet. These kinds of blocks are also used to feed laboratory animals and contain all nutrients that your gerbils need and improve your gerbils’ dental health. Using live insects can be a bit fiddly, not everyone likes to handle live insects. Gerbils have different nutrition requirements than hamsters, and you can get a gerbil mix in most pet … 3  The animals are also notorious hoarders, and they may keep a lot of seeds to eat them all at once.

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