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where is allah quran verse

In either case, life would be impossible.” The chance of this happening is like firing a bullet at a one-inch target twenty billion light-years away and hitting the mark.[64]. But belief in God and the quest for existential truth is not an easy prospect for many people, especially in a social environment in which faith is derided as superstition, wishful thinking, or even as a dangerous fantasy. And whatsoever he forbiddeth, abstain (from it). The answers vary from ‘that’s not a scientific question’ to ‘nobody knows.’ The favorite reply is, ‘There is no reason they are what they are— they just are.’ The idea that the laws exist reasonlessly is deeply anti-rational. [16] Surat al-Mā’idah 5:15-16; Abdel Haleem p. 111. And whatsoever the messenger giveth you, take it. Allah revealed the Quran is not just for good or bad deeds or prayers or tells about rules or being greatest of Holy book with beautiful structure language. Verily, he will only be harmed by the greed of his own soul.[25]. Surat al-Anām 6:91; Abdel Haleem p. 140. Philosophical Essays. Topics menu will always be here, always within reach. There truly are signs in this for those who know. It sufficiently answers the question of why anything exists in the first place. Much of their momentum as a movement involves misrepresenting theistic positions (a “straw-man” fallacy), or redirecting attention towards the irrational and hypocritical behavior of some self-identified believers (a “red-herring” fallacy). [48] Rather, using the faculty of reason, in concert with a sound heart, is a path to God and an Islamic virtue. No human being loves more human except the Prophet Muhamad SAW. May peace and blessings be abundant to His noble, family, friends, and all who love Him (Prophet Muhamad). So [Prophet Muhammad] as a man of pure faith, stand firm and true in your devotion to the religion. Click on these beautiful images & start exploring the theme/value behind it. (Verse 14:89) If the cosmic veil had been lifted, the awesomeness that is God Almighty would eradicate us. Our eyes were made to see. Allah said in Surah Al- Bani Israel, verse 105: “ We sent down the Quran in Truth, and in Truth has it descended: and we sent thee but to give Glad Tidings and to warn (mankind).” The religion of Islam was revealed by Allah and with it was a scripture to guide humanity. In Islamic spiritual terms, this is because God took a primordial covenant with every person before the world was created that they would recognize their Creator. [Bayrūt]: Dār Iḥyā’ al-Kutub al-‘Arabīyah, [1955]. Majmū’ al-Fatāwà. Imām Aḥmad (d. 855) was asked about the existence of the Creator and he replied, “Consider a smooth, impenetrable fortress without any doors or exits. Verily, knowledge is only a light that Allah places in the hearts.”[14] And Ibn Rajab (d. 1393) said, “Knowledge is not memorizing many narrations or sayings, but rather it is a light that Allah places in the heart by which a servant understands the truth and he distinguishes it from falsehood.”[15]. Those who pointed their telescopes to the heavens and disbelieved in the divine when they saw no bearded man sitting upon a cloud “have no grasp of God’s true measure.”[72]. . “O you who believe, seek help through patience and prayer. The strong nuclear and electromagnetic forces. Quran 13:16 says Who is Lord (Rabb) of the heavens and the earth? Al-Ṭabarī comments on this verse, saying, “[The verse] means they do not have knowledge with certainty, as they only assume so without a message coming to them from Allah, nor any demonstrable proof with them to verify it.” [69] In other words, the anti-theists themselves have a worldview without a strong foundation in evidence and logic. Surat al-‘Ankabūt 29:65; Abdel Haleem p. 404. It is built in this way and, behold! Allah has pardoned what is past; but whoever returns [to violation], then Allah will take retribution from him. The Noble Quran is the eternal miracle of Prophet Muhammad .Every Prophet was supported with miracles and upon his death it disappeared, except Prophet Muhammad whose miracle remained, preserved and protected, namely the Book of Allah, His divine revealed Word. Similarly, the case for God’s existence in the Quran and Sunnah involves both sources of beliefs, heart-based appeals based on intuition and mind-based appeals based on rational reflection. Verse numbers. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ described spiritual contentment as the “sweetness of faith,” a fruit of true religion that is to be tasted and experienced. Surat al-An’ām 6:63-64; Abdel Haleem p. 136. [54] Surat Fuṣṣilat 41:53; Abdel Haleem p. 483. Be not forward in the presence of Allah and His messenger, and keep your duty to Allah. The guiding hand of the Almighty, though operating from the Unseen, is there for all to see. The Great Partnership: Science, Religion, and the Search for Meaning. al-Qāhirah: Dār at-Turāt̲h, [1970]. Surat Fuṣṣilat 41:53; Abdel Haleem p. 483. Hence, the early scholars of Islam defined knowledge of God not as a collection of facts and arguments, but rather as a light within the heart. This is the natural disposition God instilled in mankind – there is no altering God’s creation – and this is the right religion, though most people do not realize it.[5]. [37] Hacınebioğlu, Does God Exist?, p. 188. So we give salaam and blessings (sala Allah alehi wasalam) of Allah upon the Messenger and we say that may Allah be pleased with the companions (radi Allah anhum) and may Allah's mercy be upon the imams and scholars (rahmat Allah alehum). Not everyone achieves an authentic religious experience or understands it in a proper theological framework. Only those who endure patiently will be given their reward without limit.” Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran [33] In this way, reading and reflecting on the Quran builds upon intuitive experiences of the heart by appealing to the mind and the power of reason. Is it possible for the organisms to measure the scientists in any meaningful way? [10], When man suffers some affliction, he prays to his Lord and turns to Him, but once he has been granted a favor from God, he forgets the One he had been praying to and sets up rivals to God, to make others stray from His path. Abū Ḥanīfah said, ‘Tell me before we speak on this matter about a ship on the Tigris river moving by itself and filled with food, goods, and other materials, then it goes back by itself, then anchors itself, then unloads itself and continues to do all of this without anyone to manage it.’ They said, ‘This could never happen.’ Abū Ḥanīfah said, ‘If it is impossible for a ship, then how is it possible for the entire world in all of its vastness?’ [40]. Within this garden, its shrubbery is gathered and its maintenance is assured for its well-being. Surat al-Rūm 30:20-24; Abdel Haleem p. 407. Therefore the beginning of the existence of the universe must have been caused by something. Accessed 23 December 2016. It involves authentic encounters with the divine by which a believer becomes grounded and certain in the truth of his or her faith. Tafsīr al-Qurān al-‘Aẓīm, v.1 p. 107. Abdel Haleem, M. A. Is it possible for the organisms to perceive that the scientists are there? The argument of the Meccan idolaters was not proposed as an honest question, but rather as an excuse not to practice faith. The powerful evidence contained in God’s signs requires no specialized philosophical training or knowledge to understand them and believe in them. "Be, and it is" (كن فيكون kun fa-yakūnu) is a phrase that occurs several times in the Quran, referring to creation by Allah. Among His signs, too, are that He shows you the lightning that terrifies and inspires hope; that He sends water down from the sky to restore the earth to life after death. [34] Surat al-Rūm 30:8; Abdel Haleem p. 406. Jāmiʻ al-Bayān, v.22 p. 80. As we have said, it is natural and intuitive to recognize them. It is only logical to conclude that the entire universe itself exists as it is for a purpose. (EIN: 95-4348674). [68] Surat al-Jāthiyah 45:24, Abdel Haleem p. 502. Eerdmans, 1999. . Riyādh: Maktabat al-Rushd Nāshirūn, 2006. Allah Subahanawata'ala states in the Quran: “They forgot Allah: then Allah also forgot them; indeed the hypocrites are the evil-doers”. Is it really plausible, sensible, and intuitive that the universe appeared arbitrarily for no reason? New York: Doubleday, 2004. Even if there’s no love and affection that Allah gives to us, it’s impossibe we got variety of favors and happiness in this whole of world. Human nature is not immune to alteration by misguided doctrines and philosophies that contradict our healthy instincts, even ideas that claim a basis in theism. These verses posit three possibilities: 1) the universe appeared without any agent to bring it into existence, 2) people created themselves, or by implication 3) the universe must have been created. Hanby, Michael. The Quran is based on the number 19 with a "Second Overlapping Code" of 7 and 14 as per verse 15:87, making it "IMPOSSIBLE TO THE INFINITE EXTENT" for Satan and his followers to alter or change ALLAH's words and commands. have appeared in cultures and religions all over the world, despite them being widely separated by time, geography, and language. The camel’s droppings testify to the existence of the camel, and the footprints testify to existence of the walker. Its tools are perfected, its parts measured with excellence, and it is so obvious such that no observer can find fault in its parts or its form. Nevertheless, the cosmological argument by itself is only one piece in a much larger discourse on the nature of existence. , the instinct and inherent disposition with which God created people. Following is a collection of 5 Verses from Holy Quran About 'Repenting to Allah' 1. The Quran presents a rather incoherent and contradictory portrait of Allah and his attributes. Lo! Our role as believers is to be the best examples of our faith that we can possibly be, to make the case for Islam with grace, compassion, and beautiful preaching, to offer good will to all and to pray for the guidance of those who need it. [1] Barrett, Justin L., Why Would Anyone Believe in God?, p. 11. Bayān Faḍl ʻilm al-Salaf ʻalá ʻilm al-Khalaf. Allah the Almighty says in Surah 42 (shura) verse 11: “There is nothing like Him, and He is the Hearer, the Seer.” (42:11) Here is the form of affection for the couple and there’ra verses that tell about the form of affection and love for the parents. }. Accessed 23 December 2016. Wealth is not in having many possessions. Bayrūt, Lubnān: Dār al-Ma’rifah, 1959. . Allah is our protector – Surah Al-Taubah Verse 51, Quran romana They truly believe that unless Allah Himself has decreed that calamity may struck them, they know nothing can harm them. . Murray, Michael J (ed.). Bayrūt: Dār al-Fikr, 1995. And strange the dispute of the disputer (jāḥid), Whoever is wealthy in his heart will not be harmed no matter what happens in the world. if ( blp_cancelWowEffect || blp_isSafari ) { // blp_isSafari vars comes from the global js variable defined at blp-js-library.js There are signs of God in everything that we see at every level: the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, the night and day, the mountains, the oceans, the wind, the clouds, the rain, every plant and animal, all types of fruit and food and drink, the miracles of the human genome, virtues such as love, wisdom, and beauty, and much more than can be counted. Tafsīr al-Qurān al-‘Aẓīm, v.1 pp. This is the opinion of the majority of people, as well as the skilled debaters, that knowledge of God is sometimes achieved effortlessly and other times by argument, as was recognized by more than one of the theologians.[32]. Lastly, Islam also shows how to show love towards one another over the couple (marital) and the main love of us towards parents who have raised us from childhood. Ibn Kathīr, Ismāʻīl ibn ʻUmar. } else { – so protect us from the torment of the Fire.’[47], True faith, then, is not the result of an abandonment of reason, as some people imagine. Bayrūt, Lubnān : Dār al-Kutub al-ʻIlmīyah, [19??]. No God, No Science? For example He says in Surah al-Anbiya’ 21:107 “And We did not send you (O Muhammad) except as a … It can fill the spiritual void in all of us. Theism, he writes, cannot be dismissed as wishful thinking or superstition: Knowledge of the divine is a light that God places in the hearts of people, first and foremost, and no amount of argumentation can insert His light into the hearts of those who, for whatever reason, cannot see it. . Indeed, teleological language is unavoidable in daily life and especially in life sciences. Ibn Kathīr. Generally, love is only showed to other humans,  even tough true love is only  for Allah Almighty and  His Prophet Muhamad SAW. Bayrūt, Lubnān: Dār al-Bashāʼir al-Islāmīyah, 1995. “That which Allah giveth as spoil unto His messenger from the people of the townships, it is for Allah and His messenger and for the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer, that it become not a commodity between the rich among you. Deer eat it and produce musk. . (Qur'an - 9:67) The organisms are so small that the scientists must use powerful instruments to observe them. [24] al-Bukhārī, Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, v.8 p. 95. Allah is stern in reprisal”. All true and revealed religion confirms and conforms to the human nature that the Creator instilled within us. His veil is light. [16], Believers, be mindful of God and have faith in His Messenger: He will give you a double share of His mercy; He will provide a light to help you walk; He will forgive you— God is most forgiving, most merciful. Worms eat it and produce silk. Even polytheists, who believe in multiple gods and deities, often believe that there is an even higher power, an even greater God over all of them. Sahih International: Indeed, your Lord is Allah , who created the heavens and earth in six days and then established Himself above the Throne.He covers the night with the day, [another night] chasing it rapidly; and [He created] the sun, the moon, and the stars, subjected by His command. [12] al-Ghazzālī, Al-Munqidh min al-Ḍalāl, p. 111. There is nothing to suggest that one god created gravity, another created electromagnetism, and other gods govern every other natural force, all for a common unified purpose. Leibniz, Philosophical Essays, pp .149-150. Muslim, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim, v.2 p. 730 #1054. al-Tirmidhī, Sunan al-Tirmidhī, v.4 p. 152 #2346; declared fair (, Cognitive Science, Religion, and Theology. al-Madīnah al-Munawwarah: Majmaʻ al-Malik Fahd li-Ṭibāʻat al-Muṣḥaf al-Sharīf, 1995. . God is beyond the physical world and beyond measurement. Surely, Allah is with those who are patient.” (Q. They say, ‘There is only our life in this world: we die, we live, nothing but time destroys us.’ They have no knowledge of this: they only follow guesswork. The Quran preaches the importance of doing good [2:195] “And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah, and make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction; but do good; for Allah loveth those who do good.” He is ONE. We created it for only one thing in mind; to create a peaceful corner that features just inspiring and uplifting material, focused around Universal Values to be reflect upon -- at a time never needed more desperately than now. Term of Use | Privacy Policy | Adchoices | Disclaimer. . According to Umar (Muhammad's companion and Islam's second caliph) "[Allah] sent down the Book (Quran) upon him (Muhamad), and the verse of stoning was included in what was sent down to him." Bayrūt: Dār al-Kutub al-ʻIlmīyah, 1998. Leibniz (d. 1716) asserts that an infinite series must still necessarily have a sufficient reason for its existence: Let us suppose that a book on the elements of geometry has always existed, one copy always made from another. Bayrūt, Lubnān: Dār al-Ma’rifah, 1959. [30] A believer who witnesses the benefits of spiritual practice in his or her life – day after day – will attain a level of certainty and tranquility that they would never consider abandoning. [75] Knowledge of the divine is a light that God places in the hearts of people, first and foremost, and no amount of argumentation can insert His light into the hearts of those who, for whatever reason, cannot see it. In this tradition, the Prophet tells us that everyone is born to accept the simple, natural worship of one unique, powerful, and benevolent Creator. 2. There truly are signs in this for those who use their reason. Accessed 23 December 2016. Allah is Hearer, Knower.”, “O ye who believe! [6] Surat Luqmān 31:25; Abdel Haleem p. 414. Why should we believe in what we cannot see? It is hardly rational or logical to assume – without hard evidence – that all of these natural laws, with every miracle that they produce, appeared without cause or purpose. Have a blessed Ramadan! It is the free gift of Islam for all. Were they the creators? Any sorrow that befalls you weighs upon him; He is eager for your happiness, full of concern for the faithful, compassionate and kind.”, “O ye who believe! The material world cannot make us happy and content for long; we have to discover the means of happiness within the heart through our relationship with the Creator. . Imām Al-Shāfi’ī (d. 820) was asked about the existence of the Creator and he replied, “The leaves of a berry bush all have one taste. In addition to the faith love of Allah, Islam teaches to show love to our great The Prophet of Muhammad SAW the Prophet who is a “Lighter” for humanity in whole world and as The Last Messenger who spread the religion of Allah Almighty and mercy. [45] Overman, A case for the existence of God, p. 40. Big Bang Cosmology. : Theology, Cosmology, Biology. While all the Divine Names point in different ways to God's essence, the name Allah is an all-encompassing pointer. [51] Surat al-Rūm 30:20-24; Abdel Haleem p. 407. [59] Ibn Kathīr. The very fabric of the cosmos, from the macroscopic stars to the microscopic world of microbes and everything in between, contains a set of universal, natural laws that produce order. Riyādh: Maktabat al-Rushd Nāshirūn, 2006. The word ‘justice’ appears 24 times in the Quran in 22 verses. John Bingham, “Richard Dawkins: I can’t be sure God does not exist.”. Another of His signs is that He created spouses from among yourselves for you to live with in tranquility: He ordained love and kindness between you. True faith, then, is not the result of an abandonment of reason, as some people imagine. بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ Kaleef K. Karim This article is a refutation to the claim made by Christian missionaries that ‘Allah prays to Mohammed’, asserting that God Almighty ‘worships’ the Prophet (p). Surat al-Ra’d 13:28; Abdel Haleem p. 253. There is no Lord like Him. Surat al-Anbiyā’ 21:22; Abdel Haleem p. 324. In many places in the Quran, Allah tells mankind to practice patience, for life is full of ups and downs. Along these lines, the great Imāms were often asked why they believed in the Creator in the first place, and they would respond by calling attention to the signs of God. [Prophet], when your Lord took out the offspring from the loins of the Children of Adam and made them bear witness about themselves, He said, ‘Am I not your Lord?’ and they replied, ‘Yes, we bear witness.’ So you cannot say on the Day of Resurrection, ‘We were not aware of this.’[2], Al-Suddī (d. 745) commented on this verse, saying, “For this reason, there is no one on the face of the earth but that he knows his Lord is Allah, and no one associates idols with Him except that he will say ‘I found my forefathers following another religion.’”[3] The primordial covenant results in the innate impulse within people to seek out the higher power that they can sense, as they have done in some form or another throughout all of recorded history, to the point that some scientists today argue that belief in God or a higher power is hardwired into our genes.[4]. We can infer that there is a single intelligent force behind all of it. Surah 42:11; 112:4), and yet scores of passages speak of Allah in highly anthropomorphic terms, i.e. One reason this is the most effective method to strengthen faith, as demonstrated by cognitive scientists, is that the intensity of religious experiences makes them unforgettable. Bayrūt: Dār al-Ġarb al-Islāmī, 1998. Miftāḥ Dār al-Sa’ādah, v.1 p. 214. We prepared this quick tour to help you get familiar with the new design so you find your way around the new site much quicker. Here, you will also find the links to the most visited sections of IslamiCity, such as Prayer times, Hijri Converter, Phonetic Search, Quran Section, IslamiCity Bazar and more. upon all of these signs as a means of recognizing our purpose and attaining conviction. ) This spiritual state of being is, in fact, what the Prophet described as true wealth. Overman, Dean L. A Case for the Existence of God. [75] Youssef Chouhoud, “Modern Pathways to Doubt in Islam.”, Related Suggestions > “I did not create the jinn and humans except that they may worship Me.” 1 If the work we are doing is for the sake of seeking the pleasure of God, then it is an act of worship. Our trees were made to produce fruit and clean air. [52] Surat al-R’ad 13:4; Abdel Haleem p. 250. Allah decided the sequence of Surahs and verses and no one else besides the Prophet (PBUH) could have received the direction from Allah on how to put them together. Grand Rapids, Michigan: W.B. Our water was made to sustain life, and so on. . . Istanbul: Insan, 2008. Since all humans can sense the higher power, they will instinctively turn to God in times of danger. [48] Jonathan Sacks, The Great Partnership, p. 1. There are many cases of people who experience a sudden brush with death that causes them to become more faithful to their religious tradition. The result of these laws is that many things in the universe exhibit identifiable purpose. Cognitive scientist Justin Barrett, for example, demonstrates that belief in God – and beliefs more generally – are formed and attained in two ways: 1) non-reflective, intuitive beliefs that result from experience, and 2) reflective, conscious beliefs that result from thought. In another verse of Al-Quran, it is explained “And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming): “Worship Allah (Alone), and avoid (or keep away from) all false deities” Then of them were some whom Allah guided and of them were some upon whom the straying justified. What is true of these books is also true of the different states of the world, for the state which follows is, in a sense, copied from the preceding state, though in accordance with certain laws of change. The Great Partnership: Science, Religion, and the Search for Meaning. . Say, ‘God rescues you from this and every distress; yet you still worship others besides him.’[9], When something bad happens to people, they cry to their Lord and turn to Him for help, but no sooner does He let them taste His blessing then—lo and behold!—some of them ascribe partners to their Lord, showing no gratitude for what We have given them. The Quran refers to human religious nature as fiṭrat Allāh, the instinct and inherent disposition with which God created people. As an animal produces their young with perfect limbs, do you see anything defective?[31]. 3.The Ijma' of the Sahaba and their sayings of its readers and particularly their ability to reflect upon the teleology of existence. Lo! Chouhoud, Youssef. Loves to Our Prophets and His family was recommended by Islam, the religion’s not perfect if someone didn’t loving  their Prophet SAW, His family also friends. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful'” [Quran 39:53] Another verse of the Holy Quran that reminds us of the greatness of Allah’s mercy, this is another source of inspiration for those who need the gentle reminder that Allah will always be there for us. [58] Ibn Kathīr. The words revealed to the Prophets – whether it was Abraham, Moses, Jesus, or Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon them all – have moved the world and continue to shape history, to provide comfort and guidance to millions of people all over the world. Where is Allah Exactly? When people are consumed by wealth, possessions, and worldly status, they will inevitably experience a void that leads to unhappiness no matter how much they have. [22] Muslim, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim, v.2 p. 730 #1054. The Quran, in two places, says that nothing resembles Allah (cf. [27] Ibn ‘Asākir, Tārīkh Dimashq, v.6 p. 303. In the same vein, physicist Don Page gives the example of an artist drawing a circle on a canvas; the circle has no beginning or end, yet it still required an external artist to draw it. [50] Surat al-Baqarah 2:164; Abdel Haleem p. 26. Without human affection it will be downgraded to the equivalent of animals. Tafsīr al-Qurān al-‘Aẓīm, v.1 p. 106. The answer is that God, as the Almighty Supreme Being, unique and otherworldly, exists beyond the cosmic veil in the Unseen (al-ghayb). Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, Ahlal-Bayt (People of the House), and purify you a (thorough) purifying." Surat al-Fajr 89:27-30; Abdel Haleem p. 595. [33] Barrett, Justin L. Cognitive Science, Religion, and Theology, p. 49. In fact, science could not advance at all without assuming uniform patterns within the fabric of the universe. 106-107. Bayrūt: Dār al-Kutub al-ʻIlmīyah, 1998. Sacks, Jonathan. Yet, all of these come from one thing.”[57] The simple miracle of the leaves of a bush, and every other miracle it produces, indicates that it was designed for this very purpose. “And verily, you (O Muhammad (S)) are receiving the Quran from the One, All-Wise, All-Knowing” Qraun (Surah An-Naml, Verse … This spiritual state of being is, in fact, what the Prophet described as true wealth. This section is more for the technologically minded. Science only deals with the physical, tangible world of things that can be measured. The second proposition, that people created themselves, can be dismissed on its face.

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